Each of us make decisions every day, and while each decision impacts those around us to some degree, some are life-altering for everyone involved. Some people make decisions easily and quickly while others others struggles. Your probably learn one way or the other most of the time, but some things are more easily decided than others. In today's analogy, the Squirrel Story, two squirrels play out this real-life dilemma. One squirrel is nervously indecisive while the other is quickly decisive. Real-life scenarios describe the meaning of the Squirrel Story, which was developed and written by Dr. Rita through years of counseling. We will discover why some people react to decision-making the way they do, and we'll learn the characteristics each type of decision-maker possesses. You may even recognize yourself in one of the characters. Stay tuned after the story to hear helpful tips on how to implement these healing strategies into your own life.