
  • Ep 30: The Secret Mindset Shift Routine
    Feb 11 2025

    Daily Update of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big. Cliff Notes:We talk about two main nightly goals what shift the mindset.1. Practice gratitude every day. List 5 things that happened throughout the day that you are grateful for. This will shift your mindset and energy into a positive flow.2. Write down your main main goal(s). Then ask yourself 2 questions.- First: What did I do right today?-Second: If I had the day to do over again, what would I change to make that goal happen faster.In one of the examples. We talked about the importance of writing down and completing 3 critical task for the day. By doing so, you win the day. Win enough days and you win the week. Win enough weeks, you win the month. Win enough months and you win the year. Win enough years and there is nothing you can't do.

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    10 min
  • Ep 29: The Power of Suggestion
    Feb 7 2025

    Daily Update of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big. Cliff Notes: - Ordered some blank shirts - Stick to your ideals - Think of what customers want and then give it to them - Overcome obstacles by taking positive steps to break them down - Keep open to new opportunities Key Takeaway: The power of suggestion. Feeding your mind with wisdom changes your outcomes. There is so much wisdom in books. Invest in yourself.

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    13 min
  • Ep 28: Obsessed with Optimization: The Mindset of Maximum Efficiency
    Feb 6 2025

    Daily Update of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big. Cliff Notes: - Interesting Self discovery ChatGPT prompts - Debate between batching your work vs not - It takes 10,000 hours to aster a skill - Our different approaches to finding ways to improve. - The goal method. (Write and rewrite your goal(s) each morning. At night, ask yourself two questions. What did I do right today towards that goal? What would I do differently if I had the chance to do the day over that would help me reach my goal faster?) - When doing habits, the most important thing is consistency. If an important habit/task starts becoming too hard or time consuming, its better to make it less demanding than quit it all together. - Don't beat yourself up if you fail a plan. The saying goes, if the plan doesn't work, change the plan, not the goal.

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    15 min
  • Ep 27: New Mics, Hard Breaks & The Truth About Hustle
    Feb 5 2025

    Daily Update of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big. Cliff Notes: - We tried new microphones, tell us what you think. - We took a day off for a complete reset. Turns out, doing nothing is hard when you have an obsession to continue. - Nobody cares how hard you work, they care about what you get done.

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    6 min
  • Ep 26: Precision & Disruption: The Blueprint for Lasting Innovation
    Feb 4 2025

    Daily Update of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big. Cliff Notes: - Details matter. - Innovation is a necessity. If you are not innovating, you are not surviving. - Be wary of trends. - Pay attention to the low end of the market. That's where most disruptions happen in the market. - Innovation requires precision and focus.

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    9 min
  • Ep 25: The Playbook So Far – Everything You Missed in 1-24
    Feb 4 2025

    THE FIRST 25 EPISODES IS DONE! This special episode is a recap of everything we have worked on and accomplished since we started this journey. -Our first huge accomplishment is this podcast. The Stevens Playbook is designed to show you all of our wins and losses, as we aim to create our own business from start to finish. You can find these daily updates on Youtube, Spotify, Amazon Music and Audible, Apple Podcast, and Iheartradio. Feel free to follow us as we are going to make many many more miles stones on the path to $10M. - We have organized our task on a system called Monday.com. This has provided us a rally point to see what needs to be done and in what order. - We have created the complete low wire frame for a fitness app that we are created. Currently working on the high wire frame version being made through Canva. -Michael has been working on his own Youtube channel through fitness related content. He came up with the 10K lb challenge and has been documenting the progress along the way. -Found out that the legal side of things is a lot more complicated than originally thought. Still struggling to come up with names. - We have been designing a new brand name to encompass our chosen field of fitness and plan to sell clothing in the near future.

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    27 min
  • Ep 24: Speed
    Feb 3 2025

    Daily Update of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big.
    Cliff Notes: - It is all about speed. - Focus on daily steering instead of rigid long term plans - Work backwards on difficult problems - Lean organizations thrive. Be large enough to get the job done but small enough to not be bogged down by process and management layers. - LUA (Listen. Understand. Answer.)

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    18 min
  • Ep 23: Handling Knowledge and Unlimited Potential
    Feb 1 2025

    Daily Update of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big. Cliff Notes: Specialized Knowledge - Any person is educated who knows where to get knowledge when needed and how to organize that knowledge into plans of action. - Knowledge has no value unless applied. - Understanding what phase you are in and what information you need at your current stage. - Understand the Law of the Lid. Your potential is capped at your leadership abilities. - 7 Steps to reach your full potential: 1. It must matter to you. (evoke an emotion) 2. Initiate vs React. (at some point you have to just do it) 3. Systems that help you think less (brain is lazy) 4. Conserve Energy (Invest in big stuff) 5. Move on Faster (fail fast, often, and keep moving) 6. Define Hard Work (Highest return of hour) 7. Compete up (Don't be afraid to move to the next level)

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    10 min