
  • Episode Thirteen: Jacob 1-4
    Jun 29 2024

    In this much belated episode, Amberly and Kendall discuss the passing of the torch from Nephi to Jacob, admiring just how big of a job Jacob is stepping into. Jacob gets to have some of the "fun" conversations with his people, preaching about how they willfully misinterpret the scriptures in order to justify their own very poor choices. Kendall notes that if we want to hear less criticism from the prophets, then we have to be more righteous, and Amberly points out that righteousness can be found in many places as long as we have the eyes to see it. Join us as we start our comeback arc towards any semblance of consistency!

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    53 min
  • Episode Twelve: 2 Nephi 31-33
    Apr 26 2024

    We're back! After our long hiatus we are posting extras to get you all caught up as we catch up with editing. This episode, we discuss Nephi's final recorded testimony, and dive into what he thinks is most important for us to know and why. Nephi teaches the doctrine of Christ, which is faith, repentance, baptism, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Kendall shares some mission stories, and Amberly and Kendall show how in sync they are by marking the exact same verses. Join us for this glorious return!

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    47 min
  • Episode Eleven: 2 Nephi 26-30
    Apr 22 2024

    *Forgive us as we catch up on editing! We've still been recording weekly and are just catching up on editing/uploading after a very busy few weeks for our family. Thanks for bearing with us and sticking around!*

    Today we go through 2 Nephi 26-30. We get to see how Nephi applies the words of Isaiah to his own prophecies, and what he hopes his descendants (and all of us!) get out of them. Kendall doesn't go quite as hard into the extended Isaiah interpretations, and Amberly gets to bring up her most favorite conference talk of the week yet. Join us as we approach the end of Nephi's ministry, and see what he wants us to get out of his last recorded prophetic passages!

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    55 min
  • Episode Ten: 2 Nephi 20-25
    Mar 6 2024

    In this week's episode, we finish up with the Isaiah chapters and get a look at what Nephi wants his people (and us) to get out of them. We discuss the relative merits of "vibes-based" scripture study and look at more ways to navigate around a bunch of proper nouns we aren't familiar with in the scriptures. If you find it difficult to understand Isaiah, fret not! Nephi knows that's the case and gives us a good way to look at scripture we don't have perfect cultural context for.

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    46 min
  • Episode Nine: 2 Nephi 11-19
    Feb 28 2024

    In this week's podcast, we start into the official "Isaiah chapters!" While many simply assume they'll always struggle with discerning meaning in these chapters, we're here to assure you that it is both doable and rewarding. Kendall goes into two different ways one can study highly symbolic scripture, and Amberly graciously lets him talk way more than anyone probably wants to hear. Join us this week and next as we dig into this feast of scripture that gets the endorsement of Jesus himself!

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    57 min
  • Episode Eight: 2 Nephi 6-10
    Feb 20 2024

    This week, we get to study one of Jacob's sermons to the Nephites! Jacob makes our job easy as he prophetically interprets passages from Isaiah. Kendall attempts to explain how the context in which a passage is given enhances our scriptural understanding and Amberly does her best to keep him on track.

    P.S. We're very sorry for missing a week! Ultimately, we're still accomplishing our goal of studying together, but we didn't manage to edit and publish last week's podcast. In the interest of not falling behind, we're going to keep moving forward, but we'll get the "lost" episode 7 to you soon!

    P.P.S. Amberly's mic problems will be fixed next week!

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    53 min
  • Episode Six: 2 Nephi 1-2
    Feb 6 2024

    In this episode, we discuss 2 Nephi 1-2. There's a reason the church's curriculum department only put 2 chapters this week! Lehi gives his final words to (most) of his sons, including some very strong words to Laman and Lemuel and some extremely dense doctrine to Jacob. Kendall finally gets to bring up his favorite thing to compare the Gospel to: physics! Amberly takes her comparisons in a different direction, much to most people's relief. Especially with how short the reading is this week, we highly recommend you read the chapters before listening to the podcast. It will help you keep up with how much we tend to bounce around!

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    54 min
  • Episode Five: 1 Nephi 16-22
    Jan 30 2024

    In this episode, we discuss 1 Nephi 16-22, featuring Isaiah! Laman and Lemuel really go downhill in a hurry, and Nephi builds a boat, much to Laman and Lemuel's shock and surprise. They cross the ocean and arrive at the promised land. Nephi quotes Isaiah to drive home to his descendants that they are of the House of Israel, and that God has a plan for them and is aware of His children across all the "isles of the sea." Kendall attempts (and fails) to coherently express his thoughts about the symbolism in the Isaiah chapters and how to apply them to our lives, and Amberly once again reminds listeners that this podcast pretty much lives in the weeds.

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    1 h et 8 min