Take a peek into the bizarre world of the Raëlians, a UFO cult claiming to have unlocked the secrets to immortality through human cloning and brain transplants.
We explore the controversial claims of Raël, the movement's leader, and his company, Cloneaid, which boasts of having created 13 human clones! And what of their sacred rituals and the chilling idea of "brain data transfer" - transplanting a person's living head and brain onto a donor clone body?
Are these claims legit, or is it all a hoax?
We also take a look at the ethical and moral implications of cloning, questing the very definition of humanity, personhood, and the rights of clones. Is this the path to a medical miracle, or there a more sinister hidden agenda to create replacement parts?
#immortality #clone #humancloning #rael #transplant #ufo #uap
Raelians,Rael,Cloneaid,human cloning,cloning,brain transplant,head transplant,immortality,UFO religion,somatic cell nuclear transfer,SCNT,donor clone,brain data transfer,stem cells,ethics of cloning,moral issues of cloning,memory transfer,clones,religious cult,UFO,genetic engineering,scientific hoax,controversial science,transhumanism,dolly the sheep,organ harvesting,replacement organs,reproductive cloning,cults,Brigitte Boisselier,Claude Vorilhon
00:00 Start
01:06 The Raëlian UFO Cult
03:52 The Founding of Clonaid
05:44 Doctor Brigitte Boisselier
06:49 Clonaid's Timeline of Human Cloning
09:25 The Horror of the Raëlian Immortality Process
12:12 The 2005 Movie - The Island
14:57 The Theseus Paradox
16:22 The Skeptics Speak Out
17:56 Answering The Skeptics
20:26 What Do You Think? Real or Hoax?
21:18 Wrap Up and Final Thoughts
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