
  • From Seinfeld to Wing Chun: Actor Phil Morris
    Mar 7 2025
    Known far and wide as Jackie Chiles, the Johnny Cochrane-inspired attorney from Seinfeld, versatile actor Phil Morris has logged an impressive array of credits over a long and successful career (he's also put his velvety tones to good use as a prolific voice actor). But what people don't know is that Phil has practiced Wing Chun since he was a wee lad of 8, as he followed his actor dad Greg Morris around Hollywood sound stages (Greg Morris is best known for his role in the original TV series, Mission Impossible). Wing Chun is a Chinese martial art that focuses on close-range combat. Phil brings us up close and personal into his world - one that combines the physical and mental discipline of Wing Chun and the demands of his preparation/work as an actor. We can't promise that it will be "lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous," but it will be, by definition (trust us - better yet, trust Larry David), excellent.
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    45 min
  • Taking Flight with with Atlas Co-Pilot’s Matt Burns
    Feb 21 2025
    It’s not the biggest surprise that the CEO of a company called Atlas Co-Pilot is obsessed with airplanes. Not interested in, or simply knowledgeable about - which he of course is - but obsessed. Matt Burns has been an HR executive leading major change initiatives, a strategy consultant and industry analyst, a serial entrepreneur, as well as a podcast host and producer - he currently hosts and produces the Thinking Inside the Box podcast. He is also a co-founder of Atlas Copilot, whose mission is to transform the way HR professionals, teams and other people leaders do their work leveraging the latest in generative AI technology. Matt joins the Talent Show to discuss . The origin of his obsession with planes The aspects of planes or aviation that captivate him the most His favorite planes and why His coolest plane related experiences How his interest in planes parallels how he views and approaches his work We ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Enjoy the flight.
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    32 min
  • A Recruiter's Secret Ingredient: Cookies
    Feb 20 2025
    By day, Kristin Pozen is Practice Leader and Senior Recruiter for the Duffy Group, a global recruitment firm that works with corporations to help them find the right talent. After work, Kristin bakes and sells a delicious assortment of cookies under the business name Peekaboo Cookies. Kristin talks about her passion for baking, when she first discovered this passion/talent, and where she finds inspiration for inventing new and ever more delicious cookies. We then discuss how her baking parallels her work with the Duffy Group. If you’re on a low-sugar diet or you’re diabetic, now’s the time to find another more suitable podcast. For those of you whose knees grow weak at the first whiff of moist home-baked cookies, grab yourself a tall glass of milk, you will need it.
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    23 min
  • Production Notes: a Baker's Half Dozen
    Feb 17 2025
    In this episode of Production Notes, Tom and Charles discuss recent Talent Show guest Geoffrey Klein, CEO and founder of ninedots, a self-described "game master," and several upcoming guests, including Kristin Pozen, Practice Leader and Senior Recruiter for the Duffy Group, a global recruitment firm. Kristin bakes and sells a delicious assortment of cookies under the business name Peekaboo Cookies, which led to a conversation about the hit series The Bear, which led to a riff on the best series/movies on work: Office Space and the Office, obv, an unexpected detour to Fritz Lang's 1927 dystopian classic, Metropolis, to everyone's favorite light-hearted office romp, Glengarry Glen Ross (a personal fave of your hosts)...a topic worthy of a podcast in itself (Ed Note: the team is working on it as you read this).
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    16 min
  • For the Love of the Game
    Feb 11 2025
    Geoffrey Klein is CEO and founder of ninedots, which helps businesses create compelling story-driven visual content. Geoffrey - which is the correct way to spell Geoffrey - is also an AI consultant, TEDx speaker, Wharton lecturer and best-selling author. He is also a quote unquote game master. Growing up there was always the guy who initiated hide and seek and spin the bottle, was the banker in Monopoly, ran the betting pool in high school - though I’m not sure that qualifies as a game - the guy who organized the poker game and drinking game…you get the picture. But we don’t know that we’ve ever run across a bona fide game master. We’ll ask Geoffrey about his talent for organizing games, inventing games, and getting people - adults - to play them - where this comes from, the skills required and how it’s part and parcel of his skills as a storyteller…let the games, er, begin.
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    33 min
  • Zen and the Art of Remaining Employed
    Jan 30 2025
    In this episode of production notes Tom and Charles discuss upcoming guests and employees with a talent for achieving a Zen state - they're in all the team pictures, they go to all the offsite birthday parties and participate in the sack race at the company picnic. They are liked, ride the consensus in every meeting, and manage to coast on their well-cloaked marginal usefulness, having drifted into a Zen state of suspended ambiguousness: there but no there, central but peripheral, constant but disposable. Great work if you can get it!
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    15 min
  • A Soaring Conversation with Guitarist/Composer/Pilot Randy Bernsen
    Jan 27 2025
    Guitarist/Composer, Randy Bernsen has composed and performed with the likes of Herbie Hancock, The Brecker Brothers, Jaco Pastorius, Joe Zawinul and many other jazz legends. He's known for his highly melodic compositions as well as his soaring solos. But his solos aren't the only thing that soar. Randy also soars above the clouds as a commercial pilot. We'll discuss his dual career on this episode of the Talent Show.
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    32 min
  • Diabolically Funny: Evil HR Lady Does Improv
    Jan 17 2025
    Suzanne Lucas is known far and wide as the Evil HR Lady - which is sort of like referring to a mafia hitman as the murderous hit man. Yes, we know, taking people out is your job. Though in fairness to hit men, they’re more efficient than your typical HR professional, and leave a far lower body count. But Suzanne is not your typical HR professional or, more precisely, HR consultant. Unlike most competent, well-meaning, albeit deeply unfunny HR people (with apologies to HR people), she brings humor to her work…and by that I don’t mean that she’s just funny, which she is...she actually uses improv comedy in her HR workshops, when she’s not doing it on stage. Suzanne joins us today from her home in Basel Switzerland, the Borscht Belt of Mitteleuropa (well, not exactly), to talk about her passion for improv comedy, how she uses it in her consulting work - and, demonstrate her chops with Tom as her intrepid improv partner (he came prepared, though add a level of complexity for trying to do improv over a Zoom call!).
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    40 min