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Welcome to The Salty Marriage Podcast, where Ty and Stacey Kinzle offer practical advice and honest insights to help couples build stronger, more fulfilling relationships. In this episode, we explore chapter seven of the book "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn, which examines the challenging issue of visual temptation for men. Join us as we delve into why it is so difficult for your husband to resist looking at images that catch his eye and why it can be so hard to forget what he has seen. We'll discuss some underlying reasons why men are wired to be visually stimulated and the real-life impact of pornography and other forms of visual temptation on relationships. Most importantly, we'll offer practical strategies and insights to help you and your spouse navigate this sensitive topic with honesty, grace, and compassion. Whether you've struggled with visual temptation in your relationship or want to understand the dynamics better, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and join us for this critical conversation about the challenges and opportunities of keeping your marriage strong and healthy.