or - "Please, God, let me have those two hours back!"
There's one thing to watch a bad movie...it's another thing to watch a really awful movie...and THEN there are the Really Bad Movies that are also MUSICALS.
In this episode, my sister Annie and I each take on five films of the musical genre that just really grossed us out, pissed us off, or otherwise disappointed us. And had a really fun time doing it.
This is also Episode One in a series Annie and I are doing regarding the musical genre as a whole. So you can look forward to Best Movie Musicals released before and after 1980, best movies that AREN'T truly musicals but feature amazing musical performances, best animated movie musicals, and best musicals not based on Broadway plays...just to name a few!
Don't like our choices or want to challenge them? Shoot us an email at hello@thetopfivepodcast.com
You can also pitch us a Top Five topic or request an audition to be a co-host!
And we'd love for you to support the show! Visit our Patreon page at www.patreon.com/topfivepodcast