
  • Manipulation
    May 1 2023

    You cannot be free what you've not experienced. MANIPULATION, in the beginning, does not seem like it. Only when it fully manifests that most people will identify it. There are always obvious signs of manipulation but it can be so subtle that we miss it until it's gone through its entire course. Manipulators attract to suppress; our voices and our choices. Identifying manipulation is not easy but it is possible. If you do things not by choice and do not have a voice, or an opinion on the matter or conversation, you are manipulated. Pray to God for the spirit of discernment to identify manipulators and manipulation.

    Are you manipulated? Do you know someone under manipulation? This message is for you. Grace and peace be multiplied

    in Yeshua's name. Amen.

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    21 min
  • What the Kingdom of God is
    Apr 11 2023

    The Kingdom of God is in power.

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    20 min
  • The Love of God
    Nov 21 2022

    When we understand the depth and the magnitude of the love of God and what that means to us, we will have a different mindset. The love in the old testament is concealed in our ability to obey. No one could. Good news; Christ Jesus fulfilled them, and that's why we can talk of the love of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior, revealed through righteousness in the obedience of one for all. We are blessed to be in the era of the full expression of the love of God, and that is Jesus Christ.

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    35 min
  • Who Builds Your House
    Nov 17 2022

    Every house is build by someone. The question to ask is, Who Builds Your House? Any 'house' without The Most High God will fail and crumble because of a faulty foundation. Jesus Christ is the solid foundation upon which every 'house' should be build. With Him, it is sure that it will stand the test of time. The house can represent you as a person, a family or other endeavors in life. We must take responsibility and charge of the materials we use or let others bring to us to use in our building. As believers, it is imperative that we are selective in our collective endeavors to be change makers and home builders.

    Who Builds Your House?

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    30 min
  • The Ultimate Sacrifice, Watch & Pray
    Aug 26 2022

    Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. He did what any good friend would do when there's an urgent need and sacrificing something is the only way out. The love of Christ was not based not built on feelings but on sacrifice shown in His ability to offer redemption to us all. May you see the greater good in sacrificing for one another.

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    39 min
    Aug 21 2022
    Our entire relationship with God is founded solely on FAITH. God is the God of Faith, and everything He created, from creation to the present, was brought into being through Faith. Without faith, we are lost and have no access to the blessings available to believers. We cannot do the things that are required of us to bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ unless we have faith. Acting on and through faith is pleasing to God. It is what enables us to enter the throne room of grace. In Yeshua's mighty name, may we continue to walk by faith into the many blessings of the Kingdom.
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    40 min
    Aug 12 2022

    We are justified because Jesus Christ died on the cross not just for us, but as us. He became sin for us and took our place and we in turn got justified by reason of His death on the cross of Calvary. We are justified by grace, faith, and believing in it through our confession. Hallelujah, I am justified by faith through grace and not by the deeds of the law.

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    35 min
    Jan 28 2022

    There's always a set time to favor Zion (Children of God). Waiting on God's time takes patience and trust in His will and process. He blesses us according to the riches of His glory and not because we deserve it; it is His grace (unmerited favor). As a child of God, you are not disadvantaged in any way. God blesses the works of our hands and honors the words of our mouth. Don't stop talking about His favor and blessings. God's time to favor His children is always the best. TRUST HIM! Your SET TIME IS HERE! #TheSetTime

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    20 min