
  • It is Written in the Stars of my Destiny
    Feb 4 2025

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    Sharing moments in my life of rushing to get to places and while I was rushing, I was missing essential parts of my life journey. I also recall myself losing my keys quite frequently in my life then one day I listen to my soul. And I slowed down and I did not lose my keys anymore because I changed my thinking and ever since then I have slowed down and I haven't lost my keys as much, as before, and my soul told me that I had a destiny that we all have a destiny and the steps of our journeys will guide you. Now in my life, I am understanding my steps and it is a magnificent way to experience my life do you see yourself in the world, I hope you do because your Destiny is seeking you now.

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    36 min
  • Elevating Ourselves in 2025
    Jan 18 2025

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    Do you feel the high vibrational energy of 2025? if you do that means that you have elevated yourself to your own essence that is love. When we can see our inner beauty, we can see the inner beauty and others. The new earth is all about compassion community and helping one another while seeing the reflection of ourselves in the world and through people. 2025 is beginning with these high frequency energies to assist all of humanity to step up to be more. And to rise up to your greatest potential. Are you ready to reach higher than you ever did before? If so, then you are in for an adventure you are in for anchoring in the new earth the energy of innovation while creating from the pure intent of our hearts. We are the frontiers the guardians and the stewards of this earth. Hang on tight because 2025 is going to be greater than you ever expected. Allow yourself to be aligning and recognizing your complete energetic essence that is expansion and infinite.

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    37 min
  • Dismantling The Limitations That Keep Us Away From Our Divine Greatness
    Jan 7 2025

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    Let us dismantle the limitations so we can aspire to our divine greatness. It is through our unfolding journey of life that each of us are learning, going through the currents of life, and repeating the same scenarios that is very hard for humanity to escape. These repetitive cycles that we all experience becomes us and this creates a vicious cycle, where we all are succumbed by the auto pilot syndrome. This auto pilot system is how a huge majority of the collective operates unknowingly, subconsciously with moments of conscious awareness peeking in, to serve as a light in our lives. We all become attached to certain experiences, people, and this is what causes our need to constantly live in the past experience and at times jump to the future. Essentially, this keeps us out of the present moment,

    If you are interested in healing any type of addiction, unresolved trauma from your ancestry, these are usually things that you are unaware of, and we carry these traumas in our energetic field, we carry them within our minds, and this is one of the major reasons why most of us are paralyzed by fear. Every person on the planet is empathic.
    We are creating our new earth where each soul will be aligned by the essence of your heart living a life where we follow everything through our heart this is what is taking place right now, I’m a part of this new earth you are a part of this new earth as well healing one soul at a time so you can live by your divine uniqueness. This is my mission, and I am honored to be able to assist you on your life journey because no one ever tells you about these things. When something triggers you and you don’t know where to turn to you have to rely on the systems in place to assist you in your time of need, I know all about that because I too needed to have assistance and the system wanted me to take antidepressive medication to help me and I did not need to take antidepressive medication, my divine higher self told me to not take the anti-depressive medication. I listen to my inner guidance and that became one of my greatest moments because I did not succumb to the system that treats certain mental discord with synthetic medication. Realize that the power always resides within you and you have the power to reclaim your sovereignty. If you would like to have a session with Sonya here are the links to receive a session.
    I have brought back with the guidance of my spiritual team. The quantum hypnosis golden era technique. The first 10 people will receive 10% off. If you are interested, check out the description in the link and we will proceed with further steps.

    If you would like to have a signature of the Soul session, click on the link, read the description and we will proceed with further steps.

    If you would like to have a love light language session with Sonya, you can click on the link and we can proceed with further steps.
    Dear ones it is an honor and a pleasure to have these energetic modalities available to you.

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    28 min
  • Speaking with Clarity Coach, Business Strategists, Dominiece Clifton
    Jan 1 2025

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    Today on the Treasure is YOU... I have the pleasure of speaking with founder of move and still, offering stress reduction in mindfulness services to organizations. She is the host of The School of Healing Podcast and she has a 90 day business coaching program Transformation YOUniversity she teaches women to find clarity so they can build their confidence and build a successful business. Dom helps women gain clarity find their ideal client, crafting authentic messaging and creating an aligned business strategy.
    We started off with discussing about her grandmother who has been instrumental in shaping who she is today. Domininece mission is to empower 1000 women entrepreneurs to live lives that set their soul on fire! PodPros




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    36 min
  • It Is The Simple Things
    Dec 2 2024

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    In this episode, I am demonstrating how to slow down and how to pay attention to your breath, your inhale and your exhale. I am also sharing that the collective is always reaching, and looking outside of ourselves for validation because of the conditioning of our thoughts and actions. We are in a new cycle on our earth and this helps us all to look within for our answers. Receive our own internal guidance. 

    If you would like to have a session with Sonya here are the links to receive a session.
    I have brought back with the guidance of my spiritual team. The quantum hypnosis golden era technique. The first 10 people will receive 10% off. If you are interested, check out the description in the link and we will proceed with further steps.

    If you would like to have a signature of the Soul session, click on the link, read the description and we will proceed with further steps.

    If you would like to have a love light language session with Sonya, you can click on the link read the agreement and we can proceed with further steps.
    Dear ones it is an honor and a pleasure to have these energetic modalities available to you because it is when we all are aware and comfortable with ourselves. We begin to create a brand new world that is aligned to the true essence of who we are. I already know who you are. I have been shown of humanity in a beautiful sacred geometrical sequences which was one of the most beautiful displays I have ever seen in my life. Believe, trust, and know that your Soul has led you here to learn as much as you can.  allow your heart to always be open to the opportunities that can create the infinite ways that can allude us at times. 

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    42 min
  • Embrace Your Dreams & Color Your World With Aisha Makara
    Nov 25 2024

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    Born in Mongolia and orphaned at the age of 2, now a world traveler with over 60 countries stamped on her passport. Aisha is a trailblazer, organizing festivals and even sending her art to space in 2023.
    She is the Author of the recently published Joyful Living Guidebook expounding on simple actions on how to stay joyful, centered, and vigorous in a fast-developing society.
    Aisha’s objective is to inspire, motivate and empower audiences to live and breathe in their creative energy. To take risks and be brave in their endeavors with the ability to reinvent themselves multiple times. That nothing in life is granted or given, so they must go out and carve a path for themselves. To think of success as not only obtaining a position of power or financial strength, but to also see it as bringing color to life and creating a beautiful world with their own identity. Aisha is a passionate creative soul who connects with her empathic ability to create the magical world that she resides in this intern helps others to create their magic. PodPros

    Aisha Makara's Website


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    32 min
  • The Home Of Sovereign Beings Empowered Sovereign Hangouts
    Nov 13 2024

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    In this episode, Sonya is sharing with the world, her mission and how she has been actively on the mission since 2010 learning how to handle the life journey with its ups and downs while seeing, knowing and feeling the innate essence of this reality. Sonya shares how she has left jobs have been homeless have known that this was a part of her journey which has helped her to understand the plight of humanity and all of the spectrum of expressions that each one expresses through the journey of life that has duality embedded within the systems in place. Sonya is speaking from the mountain tops from the rooftops to allow empowered sovereign, or any other community to help assist a person on the spiritual journey because it can be difficult, and lonely. Sonya is sharing that we are in a rebirthing cycle right now on the planet where humanity is crying out from their soul to be Authentic, to have communities where we all can uplift the whole and our world is changing right before our eyes in every aspect. It is important to be present in your reality and to focus on the things that you love so you can continue moving forward aligned more to your authentic self, which will always guide you to where you need to be. Sonya has stated that empowered sovereign hangouts is a community where you can feel safe where you can feel secure and you will be supported because she knows the trying times of the life journey. Don’t give up because we all have the power within us to transcend all of the fearful mental distortions that we have placed upon ourselves because of the life journey. If you desire to learn and remember your divinity, join empower sovereign hangouts, a free community where you will be supported and you will learn to navigate in this 3-D reality where it feels at time that you are on the losing side but in reality you are not, NO ONE LOSES in this game unless you totally give up your Sovereignty. This is Sonya’s mission to help every soul to remember their Divine Essence which is Sovereign✨.

    Subscribe to empoweredsovereign.com website to become a member of Empowered Sovereign Hangouts. This is a space where we empower one another by the essence of love. Remembering that we are a physical manifestation of the Divine. We are here to empower one another uplift, and remember. I see YOU.... Do you see YOURSELF?... Let's explore and evolve together in this sacred space.
    Also if you would like to be a part of My True Radiance is Divine Soul Group. You can email me so we can have a complementary insight call first to see where in your life light needs to be amplified and then we can take it from there if you're heart calls you to be a part of this intimate soul group.
    You can email me at iamsunyaa@gmail.com

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    31 min
  • Allow The Essence Of JOY To Lead The Way Today
    Nov 11 2024

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    Greetings, dear ones today on the podcast I was led to discuss the three letter word "joy" let's allow the energy of joy to open our hearts, to be clear in our minds and to integrate this light energy that leads all of us to the people, places, and things that makes us enjoy life. Enjoy from the Inner Essence of our Heart. This is where the true essence of joy is born from within our heart. Let Joy sing and bring you happiness, you peaceful moments, it all can be achieved through the light essence of JOY.
    Subscribe to empoweredsovereign.com website to become a member of Empowered Sovereign Hangouts. This is a space where we empower one another by the essence of love. Remembering that we are a physical manifestation of the Divine. We are here to empower one another uplift, and remember. I see YOU.... Do you see YOURSELF?... Let's explore and evolve together in this sacred space.
    Also if you would like to be a part of My True Radiance is Divine Soul Group. You can email me so we can have a complementary insight call first to see where in your life where light needs to be amplified and then we can take it from there if you're heart calls you to be a part of this intimate soul group.
    You can email me at iamsunyaa@gmail.com

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    15 min