• The Two Cities Podcast

  • Auteur(s): Theo Howard
  • Podcast

The Two Cities Podcast

Auteur(s): Theo Howard
  • Résumé

  • "Two loves have built two cities: the love of self even to the despising of God, the city of the earth; the love of God even to the despising of self, the city of God."

    Following St. Augustine's City of God, this podcast views history and contemporary events in light of the deepest meaning of history: the ongoing war between the City of God (the Catholic Church) and the Earthly City until Christ comes again.

    To support my channel and to access premium content please consider joining my Locals (the Beletage): https://thetwocitiespodcast.locals.com

    Copyright 2025 Theo Howard
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  • The Political Philosophy of Middle Earth | Sebastian Morello
    Mar 3 2025

    Dr Sebastian Morello rejoins The Two Cities Podcast to discuss one of our mutual loves - JRR Tolkien's Legendarium and the political philosophy within it. Topics explored include: the politics of the Shire; subsidiarity; the dichotomy between authority and power; monarchy and regnative prudence; the common good; the corruption of power as exemplified by Saruman and Denethor; the mystery of Tom Bombadil; technology and nature; and tradition vs. 'progress'. We conclude by discussing Tolkien's political theology and the dynamic of fallen men seeking the infinite in a finite world.

    Dr Morello is the author of the recently released book, Mysticism, Magic, and Monasteries: https://osjustipress.com/products/mysticism-magic-monasteries

    He is also the co-host of The Gnostalgia podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9ajVAJ50H6OigNptVECww

    To support my research and channel, and to access regular premium content please consider joining my Locals (the Beletage):

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    1 h et 27 min
  • The Betrayal of the Kingship of Christ | S.D. Wright
    Feb 24 2025

    S.D. Wright from the WM Review (https://www.wmreview.org/) joins the podcast to discuss the conciliar betrayal of the Kingship of Christ. We examine this 'fundamental issue' of apparent rupture in the Church's witness and its interpretations and implications. Further topics discussed include: St Thomas à Becket and the true liberty of the Church, Professor Thomas Pink's attempted reconciliation of Dignitatis Humanae with the Church's traditional doctrine, and Archbishop Lefebvre's stand against 'Religious Liberty' (what Pope Leo XIII called "deceptive words for the legal apostasy of society").

    St Thomas Becket died for the liberty of the Church—not for religious liberty:

    To support my research and channel, and to access regular premium content please consider joining my Locals (the Beletage):

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    1 h et 8 min
  • The Post-Conciliar Annulment Revolution | John Farrell
    Feb 14 2025

    John Farrell joins the podcast to discuss the post-conciliar explosion in annulments following the canonical redefinition of marriage.

    We explore the rise of Personalism before the Second Vatican Council and its impact on marriage law. Mr Farrell compares the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law and we discuss the wider theme of the post-conciliar abandonment of the rule of law. Mr Farrell discusses: Humanae Vitae, marriage preparation, 'Natural Family Planning', and the voluntary episcopal subjection to the secular state over marital separation (bed and board).

    Mr Farrell hosts the YouTube channel: Annulment Proof (https://www.youtube.com/@AnnulmentProof) and the blog: ‘As the annulment turns..’ (https://catholicdivorce.blogspot.com/?m=1).

    To support my research and channel, and to access regular premium content please consider joining my Locals (the Beletage):

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    1 h et 33 min

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