
  • EPISODE 59: Canning FAQs: An Introduction to Home Canning
    Dec 8 2022

    Are you thinking about getting into home canning? If you hang around the homesteading community a while, eventually you’ll hear about canning. And maybe you’ll want to start dabbling in what is, truly, my all-time favorite hobby! Putting up stores of shelf stable food is seriously one of the most peaceful and satisfying things I do for my family. And I’d love to answer some of your most commonly asked questions about canning!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The difference between water bath and pressure canning (and why you shouldn’t be scared of the pressure canner!)

    A primer on jars and rings and lids and pints and quarts (and all jars big and small!)

    What kinds of foods are great for canning, especially if you’re just starting out

    And so much more!

    For more info and show notes, go to FarmhouseVernacular.com/59.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • EPISODE 58: For the Love of Freestanding Kitchens
    Nov 1 2022

    Are unfitted kitchens making a comeback? We’re certainly seeing more freestanding elements than we have in the last few years! My kitchen is mostly unfitted, and I am never not loving the freedom and flexibility that it offers. Thinking about a kitchen redesign? Maybe this episode will help you plan!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    What a freestanding kitchen is and how they differ from fitted kitchens

    The pros and cons of having an unfitted kitchen design

    How to think about designing a functional kitchen around its key functions (whether it’s freestanding or not!)

    And so much more!

    For more info and show notes, go to FarmhouseVernacular.com/58.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • EPISODE 57: Old Appliances: Yay or Nay?
    Oct 18 2022

    Should you get a vintage appliance? You’ll be hard pressed to find a vintage dishwasher, but everything else, from stoves to fridges, you can most likely find secondhand. I like my old appliances, but they are certainly not for the faint of heart! Grab your tools and bring your best troubleshooting, because finding a good vintage appliance is always an adventure!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    A brief history of my vintage stove collection

    Why finding old appliances may mean compromising on aesthetics or functionality (but hopefully not both!)

    Why Brandon is putting his foot down about our fridge

    And so much more!

    For more info and show notes, go to FarmhouseVernacular.com/57.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • EPISODE 56: Tiny Kitchens: A Love Story
    Oct 5 2022

    If you are like Paige and Sierra, you’re a lover of small kitchens. But not everyone is so convinced that tiny kitchens are where it’s at! So we’re talking about all the efficiency-related reasons why we are absolutely obsessed with modest-sized kitchens.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How Paige’s countertop analysis literally changed Sierra’s life (and it will change yours too!)

    All the principles of efficiency that make small kitchens more productive

    Why having less space makes you smarter about what you have, so you’re not drowning in inventory

    And so much more!

    For more info and show notes, go to FarmhouseVernacular.com/56.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • EPISODE 55: How to Mistake-Proof Your House (Poka Yoke for Non-Engineers)
    Sep 20 2022

    Paige is always talking about engineering terms that she has brought into her own home. But if jargon makes your skin crawl, Sierra is here to be your normal-person interpreter! Today, we’re demystifying the phrase “poka yoke,” or the practice of eliminating mistakes so they are virtually impossible to make. How do you do it? Let’s dive in!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How looking to eliminate mistakes makes your household habits more intuitive for the family

    Why solutions don’t have to be expensive or fancy (or even normal!), as long as they work

    How Sierra implemented visual systems around her house to poka yoke her chores

    And so much more!

    For more info and show notes, go to FarmhouseVernacular.com/55.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • EPISODE 54: Why You Should At Least Try Making Long Lists
    Sep 6 2022

    Does the idea of a super long to-do list give you the creeps? If having a 4-foot-long list of things to do makes you feel stressed and anxious, this podcast is for you. Sierra, our guest host, shares a true (and very embarrassing!) story about what happens when you don’t make your to-do list long enough. Will this episode convince you to make a long list? Maybe not. But hopefully you can laugh along anyway!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    Why you shouldn’t let things sit on your to-do list for half a decade

    The breakthrough that finally got the dreaded task accomplished

    How you can rework your to-do list to make it less dreadful and more doable

    And so much more!

    For more info and show notes, go to FarmhouseVernacular.com/54.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • EPISODE 53: How Homesteading Makes You Think Differently About Time
    Aug 23 2022

    For those of us who are full-time homesteaders, planning for the future is probably second nature. But for many of us who are just getting started, realizing the longer time horizon that comes with homesteading can seem overwhelming! Sierra, our temporary guest host, is here to demystify how homesteading changes the way you think and plan for the future (by thinking smaller).

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    Why you don’t have to have chickens to call yourself a homesteader

    Which children’s picture book epitomizes the spirit of a homesteading mindset

    How to think both bigger (and smaller) about the passage of time

    And so much more!

    For more info and show notes, go to FarmhouseVernacular.com/53.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min
  • EPISODE 52: Why Systems? A Non-Engineer Talks Efficiency
    Aug 9 2022

    A non-engineer talks efficiency? Yes! Sierra (AKA the unofficial Paige superfan) is here to pontificate on why systems are so important. We all love Paige and her systems engineering brain. But sometimes it helps to hear a different perspective to help understand why having processes is so important to making your life run more smoothly.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    Why it’s so important to get off the bike you’re pedaling so hard (and get in the car to get there faster!)

    How smart systems allow you to scale up the difficulty of life without having to carry more mental burden

    How a systematic approach to daily tasks can improve your mental health, too

    And so much more!

    For more info and show notes, go to FarmhouseVernacular.com/52.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min