I had the pleasure of sitting down with Stylist & Coach Kevin Hermann for a contagiously alive & inspiring conversation about learning to speak the visual language of style.
In the perfectly efficient way deep-thinking, even deeper experiencing Environmental Projectors do, Kevin's guidance spans multiple dimensions: He shares ways to literally & immediately up-level your style while simultaneously infiltrating your subconscious mind with metaphor.
Whether you think you give a sh!t or not about your style, or not, this episode will absolutely inspire you, motivate you & feed you: mind, body & soul.
Enjoy! I know we did.
And, if you're local to the Boulder-Denver area, check out Kevin's Saturday, October 19th, 2024 workshop at Denver's most VIBEY listening bar, HiFi ESP from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Link for that event is here: Find Your Style Workshop
For more of Kevin's magick, use the links below:
Kevin's Instagram & Kevin's Website
As promised, here is a link to check out Kevin's Hermann's Human Design BodyGraph, as we refer to his mechanics a few times.
Cheers to the dance,