The Warblers by Birds Canada

Auteur(s): Andrea Gress for Birds Canada
  • Résumé

  • This award winning podcast shares Canadian information, insights and inspiration on the world of birds and bird conservation. The lively discussions are hosted by Andrea Gress whose curiosity leads to discovering fun facts and useful tips while travelling uncommon flight paths to learn from expert guests. Thanks to our incredible listeners, The Warblers podcast was named the winner of the 2022 Nature Inspiration Award - Canadian Museum of Nature in the non-profit (large) category! We would love to hear from you, let us know what you think about the podcast here or which topics you will love ->

    © 2025 The Warblers by Birds Canada
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  • So cute, so deadly: Northern Saw-whet Owl
    Feb 3 2025

    By size, shape and style, you might mistake this owl for a cuddly toy, but it's actually a deadly predator. In today's episode we chat about the Northern Saw-whet Owl - their adaptations, how to identify them by sound, how banding operations are helping to track their populations, and how you could get involved!

    Happy Superb Owl day! #superbowl

    Protect habitat while sipping on a cup of bird-friendly coffee! Birds and Beans will even donate to this podcast when you use the code "warblers" at checkout.

    Join the Nocturnal Owl Survey, or keep an eye out for owl banding at a banding station near you. Follow Long Point Bird Observatory on FB or IG @longpointbirds

    Kyle Cameron got hooked on birds from a young age and turned it into a career! He currently works as the Ontario Projects Biologist for Birds Canada, where he provides contributions to numerous projects including education programming, the Motus wildlife tracking system, and the Long Point Bird Observatory.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.

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    22 min
  • Did a chickadee steal my hotdog? Experts answer your questions
    Dec 16 2024

    As a special treat we've rounded up some of your most curious bird related questions and answered them in this episode (or tried to!).

    Why do some birds have red eyes? Can owls hybridize? Can birds smell? And of course, we'll try to solve the hotdog mystery.

    Help us keep doing what we do best by donating today. Or another great way to help...
    Order some bird-friendly coffee for your cozy holiday season, and when you use the code "warblers", Birds and Beans will donate to this podcast.

    Check out Winter is better with Project FeederWatch for more information about bird feeding, or How do birds survive the extremes of winter?! for some mind blowing winter bird facts!

    Some of you asked where to find ornithology jobs. We recommend checking the Birds Canada site if you'd like to work with us! Or check out Work Cabin for jobs in the larger conservation community.

    Others asked for audio and birdsong resources for North America. Try:

    • Merlin Bird ID: field guide app with sounds
    • Sibley Birds: field guide app with sounds
    • Larkwire: quiz app to learn bird sounds
    • xeno-canto: online database of sounds

    Lindsay Lalach is currently working towards her Masters of Science in Biology at Simon Fraser University, her research is focused on the winter movement and foraging ecology of Brandt's Cormorants in the Salish Sea.

    David Toews is an Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Penn State University. He did his undergrad at Acadia University in NS, and MSc and PhD at UBC. He also serves as the “population genetics expert” for the Birds Specialist Subcommittee of COSEWIC. He has studied avian evolution since 2005, and has been focused on speciation and hybridization in warblers.

    Doug Tozer is the Director of Waterbirds and Wetlands with Birds Canada. His academic and professional career has focused on developing workable conservation solutions for birds, and raising awareness of the importance of these animals; through programs such as the Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program, Canadian Lakes Loon Survey, and Long Point Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Program.

    Jody Allair is an avid birder and naturalist who enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for the natural world. He is the Director of Communications at Birds Canada and has written numerous articles on birds, birding and connecting with nature. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram at @JodyAllair.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.

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    39 min
  • The Wake-up Call: Eastern Whip-poor-will
    Nov 25 2024

    Some call them goatsuckers, others may think of them as dragons in the night sky...but we know them lovingly as the Eastern Whip-poor-will.

    We're joined by three researchers who are exploring the habitats, food sources, and migratory ranges of the Eastern Whip-poor-will. We learn all kinds of spooky facts about this elusive species, and gain insights into their threats and challenges. Plus we get to take a behind the scenes look at how research is done for this species at risk.

    Help us keep doing what we do best by donating today. Thank you!

    Natasha shared many great ways to help the Eastern Whip-poor-will and aerial insectivores, here are some of our favorites:

    • Canadian Nightjar Survey
    • Global Nightjar Network
    • Breeding Bird Survey
    • Breeding Bird Atlas
    • Bird Gardens

    And if you'd like to keep learning, check out the State of Canada's Birds, get some quick facts, or dive into some research that was mentioned in the episode!

    Help birds and bugs today by ordering some bird-friendly coffee. When you use the code 'warblers' at check out, Birds and Beans makes a donation to this podcast.

    Victoria Pepe is a first-year master’s student at the University of Waterloo, working under the supervision of Dr. Liam McGuire. She is researching the home range dynamics and nest site selection of Eastern Whip-poor-wills. Victoria hopes to help bridge the knowledge gaps for this species with her research, helping to inform landowners on how they can help support Whip-poor-will populations and entice this iconic bird to use their properties.

    Lauren Weeks is completing her master's in the McGuire Lab at the University of Waterloo. Her main topics of interest are avian migration and diet composition. Passionate about the outdoors, Lauren loves hiking while looking for cool birds and bugs. She hopes her research will contribute to conservation efforts to support species at risk.

    Natasha Barlow grew up near Point Pelee National Park in southern Ontario, and didn't fully appreciate the area until she had already moved away. Thankfully, she realized the error in her ways, and after completing her masters assessing the efficacy of restoration and conservation strategies on protecting sagebrush songbirds, she now coordinates various field-based research projects, runs citizen science programs, and advocates for change for aerial insectivores in Ontario as a Projects Biologist with Birds Canada.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.

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    34 min

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