This episode of The Water Online Show dives into the importance of safe drinking water and the role NSF plays in ensuring it. Hosts Travis Kennedy and Kevin Westerling chat with Kyle Postmus, Global Senior Manager of the Drinking Water Treatment Unit Certification Program at NSF.
Key points of discussion include:
•Water quality concerns, highlighting public concerns about contaminants like lead, PFAS, microplastics, and emerging threats.
•NSF certification, ensuring that water filters and other products meet strict NSF standards and effectively remove contaminants.
•The importance of collaboration to address regional water quality issues and share knowledge about new technologies.
•Public health priority and the need for effective solutions during emergencies.
Ultimately, the episode emphasizes the shared responsibility of safeguarding public health. By working together and leveraging expertise from diverse sectors, the water industry can effectively address challenges and ensure access to clean and safe drinking water for all.