
  • The Put Them in the Hall Show 8/3/23
    Aug 3 2023

    Rich and Danny present a full list of people they think should be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. To absolutely nobody's surprise, they each have six different names, and they don't completely agree on the other person's list. But it only gets testy for about a minute or so. Plus there's great music.

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    2 h et 19 min
  • The It's Danny's Birthday Show 7/27/23
    Jul 27 2023

     It's Danny's birthday on Saturday, which means he gets to program the show however he sees fit. He gets the intro. He picks the songs. He did opt out of the haikus, but that is how he wants it. Rich - by and large - behaves himself, but he does offer a few unvarnished opinions regarding Enya. 

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    1 h et 53 min
  • The Cyndi Lauper Show 7/20/23
    Jul 20 2023

     This week Danny and Rich circle back to a show they had wanted to do in June, but as this is the summer of screwy schedules, were forced to wait until now. Cyndi Lauper is a 16 time Grammy nominee, with two wins. She is an Emmy Award winning actress, and a Tony award winning Broadway composer. In honor of her 70th birthday, your hosts show you exactly why Cyndi Lauper is so much more than the unusual girl who sang about wanting to just have fun, and why she deserves your respect. 

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    2 h et 2 min
  • The Christine McVie Show 7/6/23
    Jul 7 2023

     In anticipation of what would have been her 80th birthday, Rich and Danny honor the late great Christine McVie. This is the second installment of the boys' unofficial look at Fleetwood Mac through the lens of the band's three most famous singers and songwriters, but they offer a few of her solo songs as well, including two from her debut album when she recorded under her given name, the extremely appropriate, Christine Perfect. 

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    1 h et 54 min
  • The Tour de SAVE Show, Vol. 4: Connections
    Jun 29 2023

    Danny steps aside again this week so Rich can be joined by unofficial third co-host Laura Meyers and Dr. Christi Bostwick, the host of the Every Day Parenting podcast that Rich produces. They talk about the SAVE organization, Suicide Awareness Voices for Education, and the upcoming bike ride in Northfield to promote suicide prevention awareness. They also shower Christi, who has a different take on music than Rich and Laura, with music guaranteed not to make her garden.

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    2 h et 32 min
  • The Taylor Swift Show 6/22/23
    Jun 22 2023

    This week marks two moments, many people never thought possible. First of all, with Danny unavailable, Rich's daughter Katie Larson steps into the role of co-host to talk about one of her favorite musicians, Taylor Swift. Which is the other thing people would have not thought possible - Rich doing a show about a pop star. But here it is. In honor of Taylor's Eras Tour coming through the Twin Cities this weekend, Rich and Katie bring you a show devoted to the reigning Queen of Pop, Taylor Swift. 

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    1 h et 35 min
  • The Weekly List - The 4th Annual Rich's Birthday Show, or The Other 1975 Show 6/15/23
    Jun 15 2023

     Every June, Danny has to sit in his chair while Rich goes on and on about how much he loves his birthday, and 2023 is no different. This year, however, Rich takes an idea that Danny inadvertently gave him, and expands on the list of music from the YEAR 1975 that he was ready to play a couple weeks ago. 

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    2 h et 8 min
  • The Weekly List – The Cure Show 6/8/23
    Jun 8 2023

    This week, Rich and Danny – well okay, mostly Danny - detail their undying love for Robert Smith’s band, The Cure. Not that Rich doesn’t like The Cure, because he really does, but Danny gets to talk about how he’s seen them three times, and is going to see them again for the fourth time. Rich just thinks Close to Me is better with the horns.

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    1 h et 48 min