
  • The Weekly Readlines February 17
    Feb 17 2023


    First the good news: California moves to enshrine marriage equality in their Constitution. And Senator Diane Feinstein announces her retirement at the end of her term. We salute you, Senator Feinstein!

    Governor Ron ‘New Sheriff in Town’ DeSantis secretly wanted guns banned from his election night bacchanal, asking the venue to say it was their idea. They refused. And in a pointless gesture, Nikki Haley announced her run for the Republican nomination (but her speech was pretty good).

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    17 min
  • The Weeekly Readlines January 20
    Jan 20 2023


    First the good news: As of January 22, we’ll be entering the  Year of the Rabbit. The rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity in Chinese culture. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. In the words of the great intergalactic philosopher Jean-luc Picard, “Make it so!”

    Georgia Rep. Rick Allen claims people want to work longer before retirement, in his defense of raising the eligibility age for Social Security. House Republicans have brought back smoking in Congressional offices, ensuring that if Covid didn’t get them cancer will. Nothing demonstrates masculinity like smelling like an ashtray at last call. Continue listening!
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    20 min
  • The Weekly Readlines January 13
    Jan 15 2023


    First the good news: CA Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia was sworn into office on the U.S. Constitution, beneath which were a photo of his parents lost to Covid, his citizenship certificate, and an original Superman #1 from the Library of Congress. Light and spirit in a dark world.

    The GOP House of Horrors Show begins, with endless hearings on hot MAGA buttons guaranteed to exhaust us for the next two years. Classified documents continue to be found at properties once occupied by Joe Biden, providing the mainstream media lots of opportunity to parrot the right-wing echo chamber. And a 6-year-old shot his teacher in Newport News, VA, probably with the gun Mommy left on the kitchen table.

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    14 min
  • The Weekly Readlines January 6
    Jan 6 2023

    The Weekly Readlines (rhymes with headlines!) is a feature at LGBTSr.com, offering news you can use every Friday.  

    You can get the unabridged Readlines with a subscription to my Substack newsletter, Mark McNease On Topic, along with regular musings, opinion and philosophical misfires. 

    Quote for the Week: “We all look like domestic terrorists now.” – Hope Hicks, top aide to former President Trump, raging after the failed January 6 coup


    First the good news: It’s 2023! Democracy did not read its own obituary in the year gone by. America moved into its post-pandemic phase, and the DOJ has a 99.8 percent conviction rate against the Capitol rioters.

    House Republicans made history by failing to elect a Speaker for the first time in over 100 years. Kevin ‘Orange Nose’ McCarthy couldn’t get the votes, while a rebel caucus of 20 or so continued their trench warfare.

    Mitch McConnell proved the undead are among us by becoming the longest-serving party leader in Senate history, and a suspect was arrested in the horrific murders of four University of Idaho students.

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    14 min
  • The Weekly Readlines December 30
    Jan 2 2023

    The Weekly Readlines (rhymes with headlines!) is a feature at LGBTSr.com, offering news you can use every Friday.  

    NEW: You can now get the unabridged Readlines with a subscription to my Substack newsletter, Mark McNease On Topic, along with regular musings, opinion and philosophical misfires. 


    First the good news: 2022 is almost over—the good, the bad, and the meh. Brittney Griner spent Christmas a free woman. The January 6 Committee’s final report is a best seller. Daniel Craig and Hugh Grant are lovers in Glass Onion. And Kari Lake went down to defeat in Arizona. Can 2023 possibly be better?

    Putin’s killing spree continued with another Russian mogul falling out a hotel window. New York GOP Rep-elect George Santos coined the word ‘Jew-ish’ in response to his shopping list of lies. And the House passed a $1.7 trillion spending bill with the help of Senate Republicans who see the crazy coming when the GOP takes the House in January.

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    4 min
  • Test file
    Oct 14 2022

    Test file from iPhone


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