Are you a victim of abuse? Has sexual or some other form of abuse diminished your self-trust, self-image, or self-confidence? Has it limited your ability to voice your truth, set boundaries, or take a stand for your dreams and desires? Even if this isn’t you, it likely describes someone you know. This week on Mission to Millions Radio, Michelle McCullar and her guest Joan Brooks, are taking on a sensitive subject. They’ll be having an honest conversation about the effects of sexual trauma and what you can do to finally shed the guilt, shame and blame, once again love your body, and unapologetically speak your truth. Fear and silence are not the answer. Within your body lies a wealth of wisdom; wisdom that will turn your pain and trauma into gold. Tune in to learn how to tap into this wisdom, so you can begin experiencing the intimate relationships, success, and fulfillment you deserve. Have questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you. Email us at