Has your teen come home from college and shrugged off Christianity? Do you see the world and think what is happening? Are you left scratching your head in confusion at society around you?
We cannot ignore what is happening any longer and to understand what you are seeing we must learn about this false doctrine that is taught. Todd and Laura continue on their trek through the false teachings being bled into the church.
***This is not the “official” doctrine of satan but the five concepts are the areas where false doctrine and theology creeps into the Church. Any thoughts or ideas, with any, some, or all, of these concepts at their core is false theology.
References: References: Genesis 25:19-34, Revelation 2, Deuteronomy 7, Ephesians 1, 1 Samuel 17, Madame Blavatsky The Secret Doctrine, Hebrews, Plato, 7 Sacred Sciences, String Theory, Christ Consciousness, Ed Jarrett Mystery of God’s Will, Kit Culver, 1 Timothy 3
Hosts: Todd & Laura
Music: Stephen Elkins
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