
  • Moishe Fried: How can we improve our children’s chinuch?
    Aug 7 2020
    As parents, one of our primary responsibilities is being mechanech our children. It can be extremely rewarding to see our children develop and thrive. Yet like most things, it has its challenges. How can we maximize the results that our children get from their yeshiva education? How can we communicate with Rabbeim, teachers, and Hanhalla members, to ensure that our children’s personal  are taken care of? Even though we are not with our kids in yeshiva and don’t see what happens on a daily basis, is there more we can do to ensure that our kids get the most from the classroom experience? Yaakov M speaks with Moishe Fried, renowned social worker and CEO of ClasStars, about these issues and much more. Click here to see Moishe’s revolutionary education app. Click here to listen to Moishe’s podcast on iTunes. 
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    41 min
  • INSIDE STORY: How Yeshivos and Seminaries Got Israel to Allow Them to Open
    Jul 22 2020
    This week the unthinkable happened–the Israeli government has announced that American Yeshivos and Seminaries will be allowed to open in Elul. Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz, the head of the coalition of Yeshivas and Seminaries for B’nei Chu”l, has spent weeks working with Gedolim and government officials to pull this off. In this riveting interview, he shares the backstory  that many people are unaware of. He discusses his fascinating conversations with HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlit”a. He talks about the immense achdus and Kiddush Hashem that has come out of all this. He explains why he believes the government will keep this policy in place and not retract. And he explains why despite a total shutdown on foreign travelers, the government has agreed to let American students into the country.
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    20 min
  • Councilman Kalman Yeger on Defunding the Police and the Crime Spike in NYC
    Jul 19 2020
    In this exclusive interview, Councilman Kalman Yeger discusses the movement to defund the police. He discusses Mayor DeBlasio’s radical anti-police policies, and AOC’s ridiculous claim that the surge is related to hunger. He also talks about whether residents should move out of NYC. The councilman speaks about whether frum communities are iimpacted by the spike in crime. He discusses the Israeli plan to declare sovereignty in the West Bank. And much more.
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    36 min
  • Second Wave? Dr. Daniel Berman On What We Can Expect With Covid19
    Jun 30 2020
    In this exclusive interview, Dr. Daniel Berman, Infectious Disease Specialist at Montefiore Medical Center, shares powerful advice and wisdom about Covid19. Dr. Berman answers these questions and many more: Could there be a second wave in NY and NJ? Why do some states still appear to be spiking? Can families get together for Shabbos? Do antibodies eventually wear off? What if you don’t have antibodies? Do we really need to wear masks? And much more
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    26 min
  • Lawsuit Against Cuomo Over Sleepaway Camps – Rav Yeruchim Silber of Agudah
    Jun 23 2020
    In this exclusive interview, Rav Yeruchim Silber, New York State Director of Government Affairs for Agudas Yisrael, discusses the lawsuit brought by frum camps against Governor Cuomo. In this interview Rabbi Silber discusses: Whether Jewish camps are protected by religious freedom Why there was no public campaign to pressure Cuomo Why the lawsuit was not filed earlier The difference between day camps and sleepaway (or lack thereof) And much more
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    20 min
  • ‘The Perfect Storm’: Rabbi Zvi Gluck on the Spike in Mental Health Problems Post-Covid19
    Jun 8 2020
    Director of Amudim Rabbi Zvi Gluck discusses the recent spike in anxiety, depression, domestic abuse, substance abuse, and much more. He also discusses the groundbreaking psak by Rav Dovid Cohen shlita, sometimes permitting the use of technology to reach out to a mental health professional on Shabbos and Yom Tov. And he explains how Amudim’s hardworking staff has responded to the unprecedented need for counseling. And much more.
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    30 min
  • Dr. Daniel Roth on the Reopening of Shuls And Camps
    Jun 8 2020
    Lakewood Doctor Daniel Roth discusses the next phases of reopening in the frum community. He speaks about minyanim, summer camps, the Yomim Noraim. He also discusses hydroxychloroquine, the riots, and much more.
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    32 min
  • Kalman Yeger Responds To De Blasio
    Jun 3 2020
    On Tuesday, Mayor De Blasio outraged many people by defending the rioters, despite their breaking of lockdown restrictions and endangering lives. In this exclusive interview, Councilman Kalman Yeger responds to the Mayor. He also discussed the riots, George Floyd, why the Governor  and Mayor have refused to allow struggling businesses to reopen, the release of hundreds of rioters without bail, and much more.
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    31 min