A groundbreaking report by WHO and ITU reveals that a modest investment of $0.24 per patient annually in digital health tools could save over 2 million lives from noncommunicable diseases in the next decade. These digital interventions, including telemedicine and mobile messaging, could also prevent 7 million hospitalizations. While 60% of countries have digital health strategies, integration remains challenging. The report emphasizes the need for resources and collaboration to unleash the full potential of digital health. With NCDs causing 74% of global deaths annually, this digital revolution offers a cost-effective solution to combat preventable diseases and transform healthcare delivery worldwide.
- https://www.who.int/publications/b/71552
- https://uniatf.who.int/about-us/news/item/23-09-2024-new-task-force-report-going-digital-for-noncommunicable-diseases-the-case-for-action
- https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/ICT-Applications/Pages/Publications.aspx
- https://primaryhealthcare4people.org/publication/going-digital-for-noncommunicable-diseases-the-case-for-action/