In Episode 4 of Series 2 of The Lifecourse Podcast, Dr Anja Heilmann from the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London (UCL) talks about the physical punishment of children and how and where the law is being used to protect children against it. She's joined by Bruce Adamson, the Children and Young People's Commissioner for Scotland and children's rights advocate and former Irish Senator Jillian van Turnhout. Together they talk about how the law has been changed in Ireland, Scotland and Wales and discuss the prospects for change in England.
Futher information
Equally protected?: a review of the evidence on the physical punishment of children Report by Anja Heilmann, Yvonne Kelly, Richard Watt, published by the NSPCC
Physical punishment and child outcomes: a narrative review of prospective studies Journal article by Anja Heilmann, Anita Mehay, Richard G Watt, Yvonne Kelly, Joan E Durrant, Jillian van Turnhout and Elizabeth T Gershoff, The Lancet
There is no longer a debate. End the physical punishment of children now! Blog, Child of our Time (UCL)
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