
  • Ep. 43 "The 3 'R's of Team Building"
    Oct 28 2021
    Sean and Mark head out on foot to walk and talk about how the last 40-something episodes have changed how they put together teams. Along the way they dig in to one of the principals of 'Togetherness' from Dr. Matt Slater's book - the 3 'R's. You can check out Dr Matt Slater's book here https://www.waterstones.com/book/togetherness/matt-slater/9781911121503 (https://www.waterstones.com/book/togetherness/matt-slater/9781911121503) Sean also mentions Allistair McCaw https://www.allistairmccaw.com/ (https://www.allistairmccaw.com/) If you enjoyed this episode, please leave feedback on iTunes, or send your feedback, comments and guest suggestions to Mark or Sean@noipodcast.show or send them to us via social media... You can now also buy us a coffee (we like cappuccinos from Gail's) here https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast (https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast) Also - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-gallagher-94599a54 (Sean on LinkedIn) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/markversus/ (Mark on LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Twitter) https://instagram.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Instagram)
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    45 min
  • Ep. 42 "Making your best day better" (Guest: Dr. Chris Shambrook)
    Sep 24 2021
    Another massive episode this week that has Sean and Mark talking to Sports Psychologist Dr. Chris Shambrook of Planet K2. Chris has worked with Team GB's rowing team, as well as British cricket teams and the Cambridge Boat Race crew. It's an episode chock full of ideas and takeaways on how to get a team working at peak performance consistently. In the episode they cover visualising successful performance not just successful outcomes, what acceptable failure and unacceptable success looks like. They also talk about shorting the gap between your best day and your worst, how positive attitude is only useful if it leads to positive actions and why party food (and Coco the Clown) have no place in the meeting room. Dr. Chris references a few books in the episode:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07C3ZT28C/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8andbtkr=1 (9 Lies About Work - Marcus Buckingham / Ashley Goodall) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_to_Great (Good To Great - Jim Collins) As well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuckman%27s_stages_of_group_development (Tuckman's Model of Team Development ) Sean also recommends Dr. Chris' appearance on Dan Abrahams' https://thesportpsychshow.libsyn.com/126-frances-houghton-mbe-dr-chris-shambrook-learnings-from-five-olympic-games (The Sports Psych Show) You can https://www.theperformanceroom.co.uk/ (access the Performance Room resources here) and find out more about https://www.planetk2.com/ (Planet K2 here). Connect with Chris on LinkedIn || https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/the-performance-room/ (The Performance Room ) || https://www.linkedin.com/company/planetk2/ (Planet K2) || https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisshambrook/ (Chris Shambrook) --- If you enjoyed this episode, please leave feedback on iTunes, or send your feedback, comments and guest suggestions to Mark or Sean@noipodcast.show or send them to us via social media... You can now also buy us a coffee (we like cappuccinos from Gail's) here https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast (https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast) Also - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-gallagher-94599a54 (Sean on LinkedIn) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/markversus/ (Mark on LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Twitter) https://instagram.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Instagram)
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    1 h et 24 min
  • Ep. 41: "Creative people... they're unbelievable" (Guest: Hywel Evans)
    Sep 4 2021
    A refreshed and invigorated Sean and Mark return form their Summer break and dive straight in with creativity consultant, enterprise and innovation adviser and audio producer Hywel Evans. In the episode they cover the myth of the uncreative person, how organisations kill ideas and where they go today and, in a sideways move, why it can be valuable to pretend you are a penguin. They also discuss making creativity a collaborative process, why you are better off paying for a bar tab than that expensive team-building away day and what to do when your ideas are met with a big fat no. Plus lots more. In the episode they Hywel references https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_do_schools_kill_creativity (Sir Ken Robinson's TED Talk), the documentary https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13302848/ (Inside Pixar) and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2MaADRnh8_k (the opening sequence of La La Land). You can find out more about Hywel's work here (http://www.hywel.info/ (www.hywel.info)) and connect with him on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hywel-evans-455672a6/ (here). Buy a copy of Hywel's book "Managers Managing Magic" https://www.amazon.co.uk/Managers-Managing-Magic-Enabling-Innovation/dp/B0948RPBHZ (here). And here’s the piece of music we reference from the show Hywel directed me in - The Frank Sonata by The Longpigs https://youtu.be/GBOIrVwfr9Q (https://youtu.be/GBOIrVwfr9Q) The new theme music was composed for use by https://archesaudio.com/ (Arches Audio). Check them out on IG (https://www.instagram.com/archesaudio/ (@archesaudio)) to sample some of their tracks and pick up their https://archesaudio.com/songoftheweek/ (Free Song of the Week). Thanks, Arches! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave feedback on iTunes, or send your feedback, comments and guest suggestions to Mark or Sean@noipodcast.show or send them to us via social media... You can now also buy us a coffee (we like cappuccinos from Gail's) here https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast (https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast) Also - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-gallagher-94599a54 (Sean on LinkedIn) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/markversus/ (Mark on LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Twitter) https://instagram.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Instagram) See you next week. ---
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    1 h et 33 min
  • PARALYMPICS REPOST: Team GB Coach Ashley Trodden
    Aug 25 2021
    The Paralympics have begun and Team GB have already won a Gold Medal. So we throw back to one of our earliest episodes where we talk to to 2012 Team GB Paralympic Sitting Volleyball coach Ashley Trodden all the way from Kuwait about the world of elite level coaching, his own coaching philosophy, how that translates to working with young people in school settings. They also cover what qualities you value most in a team member, and whether a team is like a good soup. Next episode we will be back to our regularly scheduled interviews but... with a new twist! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave feedback on iTunes, or send your feedback, comments and guest suggestions to Mark or Sean@noipodcast.show or send them to us via social media... You can now also buy us a coffee (we like cappuccinos from Gail's) here https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast (https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast) Also - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-gallagher-94599a54 (Sean on LinkedIn) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/markversus/ (Mark on LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Twitter) https://instagram.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Instagram) See you next week. ---
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    40 min
  • OLYMPICS REPOST II: Strength & Conditioning Coach Dan Lavipour
    Aug 4 2021
    [Initially posted 15 May 2020] Sean and Mark sit down this week with Daniel Lavipour, an elite strength and conditioning coach, currently working with London Pulse Superleague Netball club and the FA. They cover the storytelling behind strength and conditioning, the language of pain, and going back to basics. They also talk in detail about how London Pulse are keeping their team together and trained in lockdown and how Fancy Dress Fridays can change the way you train. Daniel can be found on https://my.captivate.fm/twitter.com/DanielLavipour (Twitter) and https://my.captivate.fm/intsgram.com/DanielLavipour (Instagram) @DanielLavipour His strength and conditioning training organisation Performance Ready is https://twitter.com/PerformanceRDY (@PerformanceRDY) If you enjoyed this episode, please leave feedback on iTunes, or send your feedback, comments and guest suggestions to Mark or Sean@noipodcast.show or send them to us via social media... You can now also buy us a coffee (we like cappuccinos from Gail's) here https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast (https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast) Also - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-gallagher-94599a54 (Sean on LinkedIn) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/markversus/ (Mark on LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Twitter) https://instagram.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Instagram)
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    56 min
  • OLYMPIC REPOST: "Teaching What Competition Looks Like" (Guest: Team GB's Rob Richardson)
    Jul 30 2021
    While the Tokyo Olympics are taking place (and Sean and Mark are taking a short break) we will be reposting some previous episodes where the chaps had an opportunity to speak to athletes and coaches who have had the Olympic experience. First up, Mark and Sean had the privilege of speaking to Team GB Paralympic Sitting Volleyball Captain Rob Richardson. They talk building teams out of strangers, 'taking the message' when you are being screamed at on the pitch and how important awareness of Paralympic sport is for future generations. https://www.uksport.gov.uk/sports/paralympic (UK Sport) https://www.paralympics.org.uk/ (GB Paralympics) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT4hFq01krOatjiSG7z3iag (The High performance Podcast) If you enjoyed this episode, please leave feedback on iTunes, or send your feedback, comments and guest suggestions to Mark or Sean@noipodcast.show or send them to us via social media... You can now also buy us a coffee (we like cappuccinos from Gail's) here https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast (https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast) Also - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-gallagher-94599a54 (Sean on LinkedIn) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/markversus/ (Mark on LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Twitter) https://instagram.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Instagram) See you next week. ---
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    1 h et 6 min
  • Ep. 40 "Ask the right questions" (Guest: Ben Wharfe from FIIT)
    Jun 18 2021
    Sean and Mark are able to grab a chat Ben Wharfe, Chief People Officer for exercise brand https://fiit.tv/ (FIIT) about his own journey from a giant corporation into a startup, finding himself in the people business along the way. Ben talks about the FIIT Culture Book that he put together to articulate and illustrate the values, vision and behaviours of the company - you can read a copy of Volume 1 https://issuu.com/fiit/docs/fiit-culture-book-vol-1 (here) and how you might go about recruiting for diversity but also diversity of thought. He also surprises the guys by telling them that there have been people who have shown up to interview without even looking at the app! Sean also shamelessly angles himself as the next FIIT coach. His USP? A 'Dad-bod'. In the episode Sean mentions Brene Brown's https://brenebrown.com/dtl-podcast/ (Dare to Lead Podcast) and http://www.wtfpod.com/podcast (Marc Maron's). You can connect with https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-wharfe-mba-a8b09819/?originalSubdomain=uk (Ben on LinkedIn). If you enjoyed this episode, please leave feedback on iTunes, or send your feedback, comments and guest suggestions to Mark or Sean@noipodcast.show or send them to us via social media... You can now also buy us a coffee (we like cappuccinos from Gail's) here https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast (https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast) Also - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-gallagher-94599a54 (Sean on LinkedIn) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/markversus/ (Mark on LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Twitter) https://instagram.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Instagram) See you next week. ---
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    1 h et 9 min
  • Ep. 39: "Does it make the boat go faster?" (Guest: Phil Denton)
    Jun 4 2021
    Sean and Mark are back in business and back with guest Phil Denton who is both a headteacher and the co-author of "The First 100 Days - Lessons in Leadership from the Football Bosses" (https://100daysleadership.co.uk/ (100daysleadership.co.uk)). The conversation looks at some of the lessons learned from the premiership managers that Phil has talked to and how they have been applied to a school environment. Phil introduces the guys to the STARS model of business evolution and how it might look like an organisation is in one stage when it might be in another. Phil recommends the work of Dan Pink (https://www.danpink.com/ (www.danpink.com)) and his book Drive, and if you've never heard of Kabbadi, check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av1mr3UpdZk (here). You can pick up a copy of the book https://www.foyles.co.uk/witem/business/the-first-100-days-lessons-in,phil-denton-9781911613978 (here) (and pre-order the audiobook https://www.amazon.co.uk/First-100-Days-Leadership-Football/dp/B095XC4R4T/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8andqid=andsr= (here)) and all proceeds go to https://www.lenjohnrosetrust.com/ (The Len Johnrose Trust). Phil is on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/phil-denton-npqel-48939b19 (here). If you enjoyed this episode, please leave feedback on iTunes, or send your feedback, comments and guest suggestions to Mark or Sean@noipodcast.show or send them to us via social media... You can now also buy us a coffee (we like cappuccinos from Gail's) here https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast (https://ko-fi.com/noipodcast) Also - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-gallagher-94599a54 (Sean on LinkedIn) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/markversus/ (Mark on LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Twitter) https://instagram.com/noipodcast (@noipodcast // Instagram) See you next week. ---
    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min