• There is story behind the leader

  • Jun 22 2020
  • Durée: 34 min
  • Podcast

There is story behind the leader

  • Résumé

  • The Guiding Theme in this first season of Voice of the VIP is " Give To Caesar what is Caesar's and Give to God what is God's" What does it means, how do we understand and live it s the key to this world becoming more peaceful and prosperous. And Leaders must lead the way. So how are leaders doing in Home, Business, Religion, Education and Governing? The leaders are the first to blame when things are not going well, but how much regard to we have for them when things do go well.? Before we even begin to answer these question, it is important to know the story behind the leaders. No leader assumes position without God's divine unseen hand in operation. Whether through appointment, selection or election, God's divine wisdom is working behind the scene. It takes time for some of us to understand it or we may never understand, but God is showing us something, if we can see it. Many of us do not and cannot understand. But if we take time to understand God's Vision, Intent and Purpose [VIP], and the story behind the leader, I am sure we'll have better regard for them. Regardless, we want leaders to succeed. When they succeed, the whole society prospers. They are there to lead at a point in time of the history of the world. They are not to lead forever, but just in to express the beauty of the glory of God where it is needed most.
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