Ingrid was young and starting her career as a dietician when two years of hospitalisation, injections and recovery which changed her life forever.
In this episode we focus on Tuberculosis, or TB, a disease with a long history in humans which is both curable and preventable but continues to kill 1.2 million people every year. It’s also got some pretty nasty resistant forms of the disease, which are becoming much more common especially in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Seen through the lens of Ingrid’s story, we find out how TB affects patients, where it is still a big problem and why there is much more to TB than science.
Ingrid Schoeman, Director of Advocacy and Strategy for TB Proof, a group started by health care who developed occupational TB and students passionate about TB prevention. She is also an extensively drug resistant TB survivor
Marcello Scopazzini, Clinical Fellow in Research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Infectious Diseases Specialist, researching the link between TB and cardiovascular diseases. He also appeared in our chorus of healthcare professionals in the Edinburgh Fringe run in 2022.
Lifeline is on in New York in until 28th September 2024! Buy your tickets at
The Lifeline Project is a podcast exploring the science and stories behind the musical, Lifeline, a show about antibiotics, Alexander Fleming, and the biggest current global health crisis you might never have heard of, antimicrobial resistance or AMR.
The podcast is produced, written and hosted by Graham Richardson @wildgreyme
Original music is provided by Robin Hiley, the composer and lyricist for Lifeline