
  • The Definitive Ranking of Every Mary-Kate and Ashley Movie (Part 2 of 2)
    Jul 9 2024

    The scores have been tallied... and today they are finally revealed.

    In this episode, we continue our scoring starting with Switching Goals and go through New York Minute, and we end up with a final ranking (sub category wins will be announced on our Instagram). Today we decide once and for all what is the BEST Mary-Kate and Ashley movie (proven by science).

    You can watch the video version of this ep, fill out your own score sheet, and get more bonus content by subscribing to our Patreon here.

    Follow us!
    Instagram: @theythoughtiwasyou
    TikTok: @theythoughtiwasyou
    Becca: @beccaroth
    Lani: @laniharms

    Email us at: theythoughtiwasyou@gmail.com

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    1 h et 33 min
  • The Definitive Ranking of Every Mary-Kate and Ashley Movie (Part 1 of 2)
    Jul 2 2024

    Since the beginning of this podcast, we knew this day would eventually have to come. We have spent the past 3 years becoming Mary-Kate and Ashley scholars, dissecting every movie front to back, talking to writers, talking to costars, talking to fellow Mary-Kate and Ashley fans, and leaving no stone unturned. And all that work has made us the most qualified two people on the planet to create the definitive ranking of every Mary-Kate and Ashley movie ever made. So we do what must be done.

    And because we are who we are, we do it in two parts. Since we knew this would be contentious, we approach this incredibly subjective task in the most objective way humanly possible: we score each movie in 10 categories (story, execution, characters, location, boys, fashion, music, vibes, lasting impression & overall), we add up our results, and the movie with the highest scores win. Science would be so proud of us.

    In this episode, we breakdown their first six movies from To Grandmother's House We Go through Passport to Paris. Next week, we'll give our results of the final 8 movies and reveal our definitive ranking, once and for all.

    You can watch the video version of this ep, fill out your own score sheet, and get more bonus content by subscribing to our Patreon here.

    The unfortunate Vogue Ranking

    Follow us!
    Instagram: @theythoughtiwasyou
    TikTok: @theythoughtiwasyou
    Becca: @beccaroth
    Lani: @laniharms

    Email us at: theythoughtiwasyou@gmail.com

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    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 36 min
  • Obsessing over Mary-Kate and Ashley with Madeleine Byrne
    Jun 11 2024

    Continuing our trend of talking to people the internet introduced us to, our guest today is a fellow millennial content creator whose viral Mary-Kate and Ashley-related videos constantly pop up on our feeds. When we reached out to her, we learned that she also listens to our podcast, and we felt like we found our long lost doppelgänger at summer camp. We are so thrilled to be joined today by Mary-Kate and Ashley superfan and TikTok/Instagram influencer Madeleine Byrne!

    We ask Madeleine how she became a Mary-Kate and Ashley fan, which of their movies was her favorite, and which fashion era was the most influential to her. We also talk about Mary-Kate and Ashley's influence on our generation, how much different teen media is now compared to the 2000s, and why Mary-Kate and Ashley were so aspirational to millennials.

    Madeleine also drops a bombshell about the Mary-Kate and Ashley onscreen boyfriends that she dated IRL (fulfilling every MKA superfan's dreams), and we introduce her to our classic, unhinged game: Mary-Kate or Ashley.

    You can watch the video version of this ep and get more bonus content by subscribing to our Patreon here.

    Follow Madeleine!

    TikTok: @MadeleineByrne
    Instagram: @MadeleineByrne

    Follow us!
    Instagram: @theythoughtiwasyou
    TikTok: @theythoughtiwasyou
    Becca: @beccaroth
    Lani: @laniharms

    Email us at: theythoughtiwasyou@gmail.com

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    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 22 min
  • Interview with TRL's Damien Fahey
    May 28 2024

    A few episodes ago, we talked about Mary-Kate and Ashley’s visit to TRL in 2004 to promote their upcoming film, New York Minute. In that TRL appearance, they were interviewed by a VJ who thought a picture they were in with Robert DeNiro was creepy. We were very confused by this, so we found that VJ on Instagram to get to the bottom of the story, which is why today we are joined by TRL VJ himself, Damien Fahey!

    We talk to Damien about how he became a VJ on MTV at such a young age, what made him dry heave every morning when he woke up to go to work, and how he became known as the guy who would refuse to go to Jennifer Aniston's birthday party. We of course dig into what he remembers about that fateful interview with Mary-Kate and Ashley in 2004 and why he made that weird comment about Robert Deniro. We also indulge our teenage hearts and ask what a typical day looked like in the life of a 2004 TRL VJ. Spoiler alert: we were not disappointed.

    We hope this interview sings to your inner pop-culture loving 2000s teenager like it did for us. Sending a HUGE thank you to Damien for coming on our show and not hating us for calling him creepy two months ago <3

    You can watch the video version of this ep and get more bonus content by subscribing to our Patreon here.

    Find us on Social Media!
    Instagram: @theythoughtiwasyou
    TikTok: @theythoughtiwasyou
    Becca: @beccaroth
    Lani: @laniharms
    Damien: @damienfahey

    Email us at: theythoughtiwasyou@gmail.com

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    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 10 min
  • New York Minute: Part 2
    May 14 2024

    This is it. The final episode of our final two-part review of a film starring Mary-Kate and Ashley. This journey has gone faster than a New York Minute.

    Today we finish our review of the second half of the film and get a little bit deeper into how we felt about it. We unfortunately have to address the incredible misstep of Andy Richter's entire character, the uselessness of both Mary-Kate and Ashley's "love" interests, the awkwardness of the House of Bling, the incredibly well acted yet woefully unearned final fight between Mary-Kate and Ashley, and the palpable creepiness of Darrell Hammond. Of course, we also offer our own punch ups that we think could have saved this movie (except for Andy Richter's whole storyline, that just needed to go).

    Despite our misgivings, we (mostly Lani) still find parts of this movie that we genuinely loved. The fashion, the one-liners, the iconic Mary-Kate faces, and the perfect Bob Saget cameo ❤️ And at long last we finally figure out where New York Minute fits in the Mary-Kate and Ashley Universe... kind of.

    So put on your low rise jeans, hold your day planner close, and for the love of God, don't do any offensive accents, because it's 2024 and today is our last episode revisiting the 2004 classic, New York Minute.

    You can watch the video version of this ep and get more bonus content by subscribing to our Patreon here.

    Find us on Social Media!
    Instagram: @theythoughtiwasyou
    TikTok: @theythoughtiwasyou
    Becca: @beccaroth
    Lani: @laniharms

    Email us at: theythoughtiwasyou@gmail.com

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    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 42 min
  • New York Minute: Part 1
    May 7 2024

    We can't believe we're finally here. Our final Mary-Kate and Ashley movie review. And just like we suspected: it's a two part episode.

    On May 7th, 2004 (exactly 20 years ago today), Mary-Kate and Ashley's final film together, New York Minute, was released in theaters. The movie had an impressive cast including Eugene Levy, Andy Richter, Jared Padalecki, Andrea Martin, Darrell Hammond, and the most 2004 cast member of all: Jack Osbourne. The movie follows Jane Ryan (Ashley) and her twin sister Roxy (Mary-Kate) as they venture into New York City on separate missions, bickering the entire way. Roxy is a rocker, and Ashley is a Republican, so they couldn't be more different! Chaos ensues.

    For today's episode, we start by remembering where we were 20 years ago when this movie came out and how we felt about it back then. We discuss what it meant for Mary-Kate and Ashley to have this kind of wide spread movie release and what we remembered about watching it for the first time. And since neither Becca nor Lani has seen this movie in the 20 years since, we talk about why we felt so nervous before pressing play.

    Then, we dive in deep. We get through about half of the movie in this review before going on a tangent about where New York Minute fits in the Mary-Kate and Ashley Universe, so make sure to tune in next week for part two! We hope you enjoy this beginning to the end of an era, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO NEW YORK MINUTE!

    You can watch the video version of this ep and get more bonus content by subscribing to our Patreon here.

    Find us on Social Media!
    Instagram: @theythoughtiwasyou
    TikTok: @theythoughtiwasyou
    Becca: @beccaroth
    Lani: @laniharms

    Email us at: theythoughtiwasyou@gmail.com

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    2 h et 8 min
  • Saturday Night Live Starring Mary-Kate and Ashley (2004)
    Apr 30 2024

    On Saturday, May 15th, 2004, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen had a decision to make: they could either attend their senior prom or host the season finale of Saturday Night Live. As you probably guessed, they chose SNL.

    And as a consolation for missing their high school prom, Jimmy Fallon, Will Forte, Maya Rudolf, and Amy Poehler gave Mary-Kate and Ashley a miniature prom during their 5 minute monologue on the stage of Studio 8H. The rest of the night featured Mary-Kate and Ashley playing paparazzi, selling perfume, selling backpacks, spoofing The Swan, enduring Jimmy Fallon, and playing as angsty teens on home video.

    So today, Becca and Lani give their review of the episode sketch by sketch* and discuss what the significance was of Mary-Kate and Ashley hosting Saturday Night Live. We are also painfully reminded of just how long ago 2004 was with how wildly racist, sexist, and homophobic so many of the jokes are. At least there was one sketch in this episode that we both agree was utter perfection (can you guess which one?)

    We hope you enjoy this deep dive into this culturally significant moment in television and allow us to geek out over the construction of sketch scene (it's our expertise, after all). But most of all, we hope you join us in celebrating Mary-Kate and Ashley for successfully accomplishing the enormous feat of hosting this insanely difficult show on live television.

    You can watch the video version of this ep and get more bonus content by subscribing to our Patreon here.

    If you don't have Peacock, watch (most of) the SNL episode here:
    Mary-Kate and Ashley Host SNL part 1
    Mary-Kate and Ashley Host SNL part 2
    Mary-Kate and Ashley Host SNL part 3
    Mary-Kate and Ashley Host SNL part 4

    Find us on Social Media!
    Instagram: @theythoughtiwasyou
    TikTok: @theythoughtiwasyou
    Becca: @beccaroth
    Lani: @laniharms

    Email us at: theythoughtiwasyou@gmail.com

    *We just learned that we missed the "Bloater Brothers" sketch during our review so here it is: bad sketch, but Mary-Kate and Ashley do a great job. And they look SO cute in 70s clothes & hair, OMG!

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    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 56 min
  • The Countdown to 18
    Apr 16 2024

    We're counting down the days to New York Minute's 20th anniversary, but before we get there, we have to talk about another countdown that is unfortunately a touchstone of this era in Mary-Kate and Ashley's careers: the countdown to their 18th birthday.

    During the press tour for New York Minute in 2004, which opened just one month before the girls turned 18, the media became fascinated with a new trend of websites dedicated entirely to counting down the days, hours, minutes & seconds to when Mary-Kate and Ashley would become "legal." This type of discourse has been around since Hollywood has had child stars and 40-something creeps have had air to breathe, but one thing was different about 2004: the internet. As many of our sources mention, only a little over a dozen Mary-Kate and Ashley "countdown" sites were created, which by today's standards would hardly warrant a thought, let alone a news segment. But during the early days of the internet and with the world's most famous twins at the center of the story, this became a cultural fixation.

    Mary-Kate and Ashley even had to address this fixation themselves when they hosted SNL, with Mary-Kate signing off the show saying, "and remember, we're legal in 4 weeks!" So today, we're talking about what we remember about this time, how we feel about it now, and why why WHY does stuff like this happen? There are times when this topic gets difficult to talk about, so like for many of our podcasts during this time, please take care while listening.

    As promised, here are the links we talk about in this episode:
    Quick tiktok
    Another tiktok
    An old countdown website
    A gross forum from 2003
    Eminiem song "Ass like that" (MK&A part starts at 2:21)
    E! Online blurb from 2004
    Article written for The Pool in 2018 with a lot of research on the history of celebrity women's "countdown"s

    Non-countdown related videos:
    Regis and Kelly 2004
    The Today Show 2004
    Access Hollywood 2004
    Entertainment Tonight 2004
    MTV "Home Video" 2004

    You can watch the video version of this ep and get more bonus content by subscribing to our Patreon here.

    Find us on Social Media!
    Instagram: @theythoughtiwasyou
    TikTok: @theythoughtiwasyou
    Becca: @beccaroth
    Lani: @laniharms

    Email us at: theythoughtiwasyou@gmail.com

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    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 31 min