
  • Guidance for Zion, across the threshold
    Jul 21 2023

    In this season of the podcast, we’ve sharing stories about how our past looks different when we cross some kind of threshold in our lives. In this last episode, Mo. Lindsay and Fr. Carl talk about how we, as a community, might see our past differently as the Zion History Project brings us across a threshold in our identity—and how we can be guided by the wisdom shared by parishioners in our early episodes.

    Follow our ongoing work at zionepiscopal.org.

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    14 min
  • Donna, knocking down their stories
    Jun 23 2023

    In this episode, we are joined by Donna Gentle Spirit Barron: the family historian of the Matinecock people. We only scratch the surface of Native history in this episode, but It’s a privilege for us to hear some of that story today—and to hear some of Donna’s own experiences as a Matinecock Indian, and as a Black woman. And it’s also a necessary challenge for us to hear about Zion as it appears in the history and stories and experiences of Matinecock people, and people of color. Because Zion looks different from this angle. We can see new facets of our history—gifts of our legacy that we have forgotten and are called to reclaim, wounds in our history that we have pushed out of mind, but are now called to heal.

    Healing begins by telling the truth: by listening to Donna as she knocks down the stories that leave her and her family out, and then, by telling a new story of Zion that keeps the call of justice at the center.

    Want to read more? You can find Donna's books here: https://bookshop.org/search?keywords=donna+barron

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    27 min
  • Zion, on the threshold
    Jun 2 2023

    As you know, on this season of the podcast we’ve been sharing stories about thin places in time: stories of people who step across a threshold into a new chapter of their lives.

    Today we’re talking about a threshold that Zion is crossing. For the last 2 years, the Zion leadership has been grappling with the difficult discovery that our founding families enslaved people. We’ve been asking what it means that the Zion community was founded with wealth created by the forced labor of enslaved people, and that those children of God have been left out of Zion’s history for almost 200 years.

    Mo. Lindsay and Fr. Carl talk about how the shape of Zion's history looks different with enslavement in view, and how we might be called to tell a different story about ourselves going forward—a story that centers Jesus and his call to join him in realizing the Kingdom of God.

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    20 min
  • Peter and Cornelius, opening
    May 12 2023

    In this episode, we’re going to do something a little different: Fr. Carl tells a story—a story from the Bible; one of his favorites. It’s a story which is very much about being called across a threshold, and about how our ancestors in the faith had to reimagine their past, and their future, once they’d crossed it.

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    15 min
  • Michael, repenting and rebuilding
    Apr 21 2023

    On this episode of the podcast, we’re going to hear from Michael—a newer member of Zion. In the early months of the pandemic, Michael stepped across a threshold: he realized that his strategies for dealing with conflict were not working—for him, or for those he loved. And he had to make a change.

    There's a churchy word for making a change: repentance. And that word just means "turning"—turning off the track that got us to where we are now, and striking out on a new course, seeking to live the life that really is life. It's a privilege to hear Michael reflect so vulnerably on the turns that he is making, and how that is reshaping him, and his family.

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    15 min
  • Katie, drawn forward by love
    Mar 31 2023

    On this season of the podcast we’re sharing stories about thin places in time: stories of people who step across a threshold into a new chapter of their lives. And when they look back through that doorway, their past has a different shape than they’d thought.

    For Katie Dean, the threshold was…falling in love. Falling in love with a man named Ed just as Katie’s marriage of 43 years was collapsing. That marriage couldn’t survive Katie getting sober; it couldn’t be sustained after Katie got in touch with the God of her own understanding. There was Ed, with his sparkling blue eyes, and the grounded wisdom he’d gained in his own journey. And Katie was drawn forward by that love, into who she really is.

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    15 min
  • Dillon, Reclaiming
    Mar 17 2023

    On this season of the podcast we’re sharing stories about thin places in time: stories of people who step across a threshold into a new chapter of their lives. And when they look back through that doorway, their past has a different shape than they’d thought.

    For Dillon Caisser, the threshold was coming out as a trans man. Coming out made it possible for Dillon to reclaim parts of himself and his history that hadn’t fit into the story before.

    We are so grateful to Dillon for sharing his story so candidly. Given that church has been a place of hurt for him, it takes real courage and real vulnerability to tell the whole truth about himself as part of this church community. May his story be an invitation for all of us to reflect on the mysterious ways of God in our lives, and on what parts of ourselves, or parts of our past are waiting for us to reclaim.

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    22 min
  • Christina and Marguerite
    Mar 2 2023

    In this season of the Thin Places podcast, we’re gathering stories of people who step across a threshold into a new chapter of their lives. When they look back through that doorway, they find that their past looks different. They’ve stepped into a new story, and have to ask themselves what parts of their past fit in this new story. What are the gifts of their past that they want to bring along? What are some of the wounds they carry from that past, that they are now called to heal? What are identities or habits that it’s time to let go of?

    Today we have two stories about such “thin places” in time. Marguerite LeBron and Christina Shonfeld are both longtime members of Zion, and they each have a profound story about a moment in their lives when God showed up for them, and brought them gently across such a threshold.

    We'd love to hear your story of crossing a threshold in your life, and realizing that your past had a different shape than you thought. Reach out to Fr. Carl at carl.adair [at] gmail.com—sharing stories is one crucial way we grow together in faith, hope, and love.

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    11 min