On this episode of the Connected Aviation Intelligence Podcast, Greg Otto, who is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing for ThinKom, is the guest.
ThinKom's antenna technology is one among the most widely used on commercial airliners to enable in-flight connectivity (IFC). At the 2022 Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX), their ka-band antenna was selected by Safran for the new Airbus Airspace Link HBC line-fit connectivity system, one of several major announcements and IFC initiatives they have been part of this year.
Otto discuses the Safran selection, new IFC antenna capabilities they're developing and IFC-related aviation market trends.
Have suggestions or topics we should focus on in the next episode? Email the host, Woodrow Bellamy, at wbellamy@accessintel.com, or drop him a line on Twitter @WbellamyIIIAC.
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