
  • Liberation Pedagogy, Epistemic Humility, and Flourishing (Louise Younie)
    Dec 12 2024

    This month, Professor Louise Younie from the Institute of Health Sciences Education at QMUL shares three ideas that have shaped her journey as an academic, a general practitioner, a person living through cancer diagnosis and treatment, and a creative teacher. Louise's work focuses on using creative enquiry to explore professional identity formation, human flourishing, and humanising medicine.

    1) Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire. Seabury Press, 1970 2) Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing by Miranda Fricker. Oxford University Press, 2007 3) Flourishing Spaces website - https://www.creativeenquiry.co.uk/

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    51 min
  • Paul Farmer, Critical Drug Studies, and bell hooks (Jen Randall)
    Nov 15 2024
    Episode Notes

    In this episode, our guest is Jen Randall, Senior Lecturer in Global Public Health at Queen Mary University of London. Jen believes in the transformative potential of teaching, and we hear stories of this through the episode. She shares three ideas which have changed her thinking and pedagogical approach:

    1) Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues by Paul Farmer. University of California Press, 1999 2) High Price: A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society by Carl Hart. HarperCollins, 2013 3) Teaching to Transgress by bell hooks. Routledge, 1994

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    48 min
  • Feminist Curiousity, Intersectionality, and the Health Disparities Research Industrial Complex (Iona Hindes)
    Oct 17 2024

    In this episode, we welcome Iona Hindes from the Centre for Public Health and Policy at Queen Mary University of London. Iona is an anthropologist studying the unequal impacts of Covid-19 policies on maternity healthcare experiences. She introduces three ideas, how they have challenged her, and what they have allowed her to see differently:

    1) Seriously! Investigating Crashes and Crises as if Women Mattered by Cynthia Enloe. University of California Press, 2013 2) Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color, by Kimberle Crenshaw. Stanford Law Review, 1991 3) The Health Disparities Research Industrial Complex by Jerel Ezell. Social Science and Medicine, 2024

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    53 min
  • Acquiring Bodies, Reworking Social Determinants, and Facebook Ethnography (Elspeth Davies)
    Sep 18 2024

    In this episode of Thinking In Between, we welcome Elspeth Davies. Elspeth is an anthropologist finishing her PhD at the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on social and ethical dimensions surrounding efforts to diagnose risk and prevent cancer. On this episode, she shares three ideas that have shaped her work and thinking:

    1. The notion of acquiring bodies - McDonald, M. 2014. ‘Bodies and cadavers’. In The Routledge Companion to Objects and Materials. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
    2. Yates‐Doerr, E. 2020. Reworking the Social Determinants of Health: Responding to Material-Semiotic Indeterminacy in Public Health Interventions. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 34, 378–397
    3. Opportunities and ethical issues when using Facebook ethnography
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    42 min
  • Death Without Weeping, Extimacy, and Biopolitics (Esca van Blarikom)
    Aug 14 2024
    Death Without Weeping, Extimacy, and Biopolitics (Esca van Blarikom)

    On this episode of Thinking In Between, we welcome Esca van Blarikom, who is a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University in New York State. Esca is an anthropologist who recently completed her PhD exploring the experiences of working-age adults with physical and mental co-existing health conditions. She is now working on a project to understand biopolitics in the post-Covid19 era. On this episode of Thinking In Between, she shares three ideas that have influenced her research and thinking:

    1) "Death Without Weeping" by Nancy Scheper-Hughes, University of California Press

    2) Lacan's concept of extimacy

    3) Foucault's concept of biopolitics

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    52 min
  • Totality, Edward Said, and Tensions in Global Health (Aida Hassan)
    Jul 19 2024
    Totality, Edward Said, and Tensions in Global Health (Aida Hassan)

    On this episode of Thinking In Between, we welcome Aida Hassan, who is a PhD student at the Centre for Public Health and Policy, Queen Mary University of London. Aida's research on global health draws on insights from international relations and political sociology.

    Today, she shares how three ideas have shaped her thinking, teaching, and research:

    1) The concept of totality

    2) The work of Edward Said, particularly his book Orientalism

    3) The tensions between global health and (inter)national security - here, Aida speaks about the paper "Global Health Security: Security for whom? Security from what?" by Simon Rushton (Political Studies, 2011)

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    47 min
  • Community Up Research Values, Online Interviewing, and Advocacy (Cervantée Wild)
    May 23 2024
    Community Up Research Values, Online Interviewing, and Advocacy (Cervantée Wild)

    On this episode of Thinking In Between, we are joined by Cervantée Wild who is a research fellow at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. Cervantée is from New Zealand and her research journey began within a research group that paid close attention to health equity as a multicultural team. She shares about her research journey and brings three ideas:

    1. Community Up Research Values - Cram, F., & Phillips, H. (2012). Claiming Interstitial Space for Multicultural, Transdisciplinary Research Through Community-up Values. International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, 5(2), 36-49. https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcis.v5i2.89
    2. Challenges posed by online interviewing and data collection
    3. Can researchers be advocates?

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    58 min
  • Critical Theory, Multiplicity, and Deleuze and Guattari (Jackie Walumbe)
    Apr 25 2024
    Critical Theory, Multiplicity, and Deleuze and Guattari (Jackie Walumbe)

    Welcome back to the podcast! Our guests now come from beyond our research group and university, so we have a new name to reflect this - "Thinking In Between". Our format and focus remain the same: exploring big ideas shaping researchers at the borderlands of social science and health. Jackie Walumbe is a clinical academic physiotherapist with research and clinical interests in pain. She is based at University College London Hospitals (UCLH). Her PhD research focused on chronic pain management within and outside of specialist pain services. Jackie discusses the following three ideas:

    1. Critical Theory
    2. Multiplicity - Annemarie Mol and Scott Graham
    3. Assemblages and the work of Deleuze and Guattari

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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    48 min