
  • 019 - Le Zie Pt 1
    May 10 2024

    On this very special 2 part episode Peter sits down with Zia Tina, Zia Maria, and his own mother Zia Giovanna to discuss life in Sicily and moving to America*. Stick around to the end cause the guys have a special section to commemorate Mother's Day.

    Email us at This ItalianAmericanLife@gmail.com and let us know what you think and tell us your stories!

    *Some of this interview is in Italian and not translated. Apologies but we wanted to ensure that the original context was not lost for those who do understand. In the next episode we will translate and discuss further.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 18 min
  • 018 - Musica per Matrimoni
    Apr 29 2024

    On this episode of TIAL, Peter and Michael discuss children's birthday parties, wedding planning, and wedding music. They get into their favorite American classics as well as some Italian songs that will wake up the crowd. As always they end with some listener email, including a shout out from old friends and new!

    Email us at thisitalianamericanlife@gmail.com and tell us what you think!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 18 min
  • 017 - La Grande Domanda
    Feb 26 2024

    In this special episode, Peter and Mike have yet another special guest, Peter's new fiance Sharon! They discuss how the proposal went and how she feels about joining the family. The guys then discuss how their respective parents got married and the circumstances that led to their engagements. And it ends as always with the mailbag, including the first listener email not associated with the family! Quindi ascoltate!

    Email us at thisitalianamericanlife@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 10 min
  • 016 - Opening the Danny-Dex
    Jan 23 2024

    On this special episode of T.I.A.L., we have our first in-person guest! Joining us from our new studio in Michael's dining room, Danny di Zio Pino (aka Danny and Annie Danny) regales us with stories of growing up Marchiafava, trips to his family farm in Arizona, and the infamous donkey minivan story! Plus Peter has a special game for Michael and Danny that just might get them in trouble, so listen up!

    If you have a story to share, send it over to ThisItalianAmericanLife@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 41 min
  • 015 - Peas and Corn and There's a my Shoes on...All Right!
    Dec 6 2023

    On a very special edition of This Italian-American Life, Mike brings up one of his biggest bugaboos and most hated songs, the gibberish that is Prisencolinensinainciusol by Adriano Cellentano. Listen as they break it down in all its glory. After that they go into how TV streaming has become an issue for the older generation and of course...the mailbag! So listen up!

    The video to Mike's least favorite song: https://youtu.be/-VsmF9m_Nt8?si=wYH6kBaykf_mELsX

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 11 min
  • 014 - e Siamo Tornati
    Nov 23 2023

    Welcome to This Italian-American Life where two first generation Italian-Americans tell stories about growing up with a big family. In the first episode in months, the guys catch each other up on whats been going on in their lives. Peter's new love, his vacation, and Mike's work and play life. Mike also tells a couple stories about his father's recent injury.

    Email us at thisitalianamericanlife@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 19 min
  • 013 - La Canzone del Sole
    Jun 19 2023

    Welcome to This Italian-American Life where two first generation Italian-Americans tell stories about growing up with a big family. This episode is all about music! Michael and Peter take you down memory lane with the music they grew up with, both in English and Italian. Mike tells "Agostino and the Beatles" and "Agostino sings along", so listen up!

    Show Links:

    Link to Dean Martin ashing on George Gobel on Carson: https://youtu.be/JzcMhH7txXE?t=782

    Link to John Lennon Chuck Berry, and Yoko Ono "singing": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgZiPO9V_aQ

    Michael's "Old School Italian" playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2mN0MtEq5cLM9iEtl4QV50?si=736e77598a7e4c78

    Email us at thisitalianamericanlife@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • 012 - Amunninni in Sicilia
    Jun 6 2023

    Welcome to This Italian-American Life where two first generation Italian-Americans tell stories about growing up with a big family. In this episode the guys start off talking about their move to recording on Sunday mornings, then discuss Sicily and how you can purchase a home there for just one Euro, and Mike tells "Traveling with Agostino". Plus the mail bag!

    Email us at thisitalianamericanlife@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 2 min