Last week we talked about change resistance — how, in the effort to be efficient, the human brain manufactures thoughts that, if listened to, will keep us where we are.
Today I want to share three more thoughts that come up more often — and very commonly — in women.
They are different variations of the thought I shared last week: I can’t do it. It won't work. It's confusing. It's too hard.
But they affect women disproportionately, and if left unchecked, can cause women to back away from meeting their own needs.
They are:
- It will damage my reputation.
- It will hurt other people.
- I don't deserve it.
And today, we’re going to talk all about them.
Thanks for listening.
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Original music by Amir Sberlo | Never Bored Photograph by Vivian Johnson Design by Deena Rutter This podcast is hosted by