
  • TIP 11: How to Ask for Referrals Without Feeling Desperate or Pushy
    Sep 15 2024

    A quick way to attract more clients is by asking for referrals. In this episode, I’ll share strategies to do this effectively without coming across as desperate or pushy.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • How to reframe your approach to referrals and why they’re a powerful tool for filling last-minute appointments
    • Scripts and strategies to make the process feel natural and effortless.
    • What responses you can expect

    Tune in to discover how to leverage your existing network to drive new business.

    Follow host Anil Mustafa on Instagram.

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    16 min
  • TIP 10: Rebooking with Confidence
    Sep 8 2024

    What if I told you that a few simple changes in your wording when asking clients to rebook could boost your rebooking rates by up to 80%? In this episode, I dive into the common challenges and mindset blocks that often prevent practitioners from confidently asking clients to rebook.

    I discuss the following:

    • What patients may think when we don’t proactively ask them to book their next appointment.
    • How fear of judgment and concerns about what patients might think when we ask them to rebook can interfere with their ongoing care.
    • How to approach rebooking in a way that feels natural and avoids coming across as a pushy salesperson.

    These mindset blocks can be significant barriers, but by reframing your approach to rebooking, you can achieve new levels of success for your practice. Join me as I break down these psychological barriers and provide practical tips to elevate your rebooking process and enhance your client retention.

    Follow host Anil Mustafa on Instagram here.

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    13 min
  • TIP 09: Turning Traffic into Clients: Optimising Your Website for Maximum Conversions
    Sep 1 2024

    Is your website achieving its intended purpose and turning visitors into clients? In this week’s episode, we’ll explore what you can do to improve your website conversions.

    Here’s what I cover:

    • The 13 most common mistakes that kill conversions and how to avoid them.
    • How optimising for conversions can maximise your ROI and make the most of your website traffic.
    • The best layout practices for effective website design that drives results

    Tune in to learn how to transform your website into a high-converting powerhouse and start seeing real improvements in converting visitors into clients!

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    27 min
  • TIP 08: Why Marketing Alone Is Not the Key to Your Practice Success
    Aug 25 2024

    Hitting a wall in your business? It might be time to rethink your self-worth.

    If you’re finding yourself stuck or making slow progress only to fall back, the real issue may not lie in your marketing efforts but in negative self-talk and self-worth.

    Limiting beliefs can be tough and emotional to address, which is why many people avoid them and focus on external issues like client acquisition instead. But confronting these internal barriers might be the breakthrough you need for lasting success. In this episode, I’ll provide you with clear strategies to tackle these beliefs, create meaningful change, and start moving forward with confidence.

    You’ll learn:

    • How true self-worth comes from internal values, not external validation.
    • Common causes of low self-worth and how to identify and address them.
    • Effective exercises to see if your self-worth is holding you back.
    • Techniques to reframe negative thoughts into positive actions.
    • Strategies to manage triggers that impact your ongoing success.

    Tune in to discover why addressing these internal challenges is crucial for achieving lasting success and how you can begin transforming your mindset today.

    Connect with host Anil Mustafa on Instagram.

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    22 min
  • TIP 07: The Power of Imperfection in Business
    Aug 18 2024

    Are you letting opportunities slip through your fingers by obsessing over getting everything just right? In this episode, I reveal a game-changing lesson I learned three months ago that transformed my business and brought me immense relief. Looking back, I cringe at how different my practice could have been if I had learned this lesson sooner.

    I discuss:

    • How striving for perfection can hinder your practice’s growth
    • The true cost of perfectionism on your time, money, and opportunities
    • How mindset blocks like procrastination, fear of judgment, and fear of failure contribute to this issue

    Tune in to learn how embracing imperfection can drive meaningful progress and success in your healthcare practice.

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    15 min
  • TIP 06: 9 Proven Strategies to Improve Client Retention and Grow Your Practice
    Aug 11 2024

    Ever wondered why some practices seem to thrive effortlessly while others struggle? The secret isn’t in constantly finding new clients —it’s nailing your client retention strategies.

    In this week’s episode, I dive into how you can make this happen.

    What you’ll learn:

    • Why client retention isn’t about you, but rather what’s best for your clients
    • How a solid retention strategy is essential for a successful practice
    • Why you need to get your retention strategy right before investing in marketing
    • The top nine strategies I used to grow a multi-practitioner clinic with a waitlist, and new clients referred on auto-pilot.

    If you’re tired of constantly chasing new clients and want to establish a reliable, self-sustaining practice, this episode is for you.

    To connect, follow host Anil Mustafa on Instagram.

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    25 min
  • TIP 05: Is the Economic Downturn Affecting Your Practice?
    Aug 4 2024

    Are your patient numbers down because of the economic downturn?

    In this episode, I’ll show you how to navigate these challenging times.

    Here’s what you’ll discover:

    • How past economic downturns have unfolded in history
    • Strategies to boost client retention and explore innovative offerings
    • 10 actionable tips to adapt and strengthen your practice
    • The impact of your money mindset on client interactions and care

    Tune in to gain practical advice for overcoming challenges and moving forward with confidence.

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    22 min
  • TIP 04: Overcoming the fear of failure
    Jul 28 2024

    We all face the fear of failure, and it can be a powerful force that holds us back from reaching our full potential. It’s natural to worry about what others think, to second-guess our abilities, and to find excuses for staying in our comfort zones. This fear can manifest in many ways: procrastination, poor decision-making, or even physical symptoms like getting sick.

    But what if you could move past this fear and start making real progress in your life and business?

    In my latest podcast, “Overcoming the Fear of Failure,” I delve into the root causes of this fear and offer practical tips to help you break free from its grip. You’ll learn why our brains struggle to differentiate between real and imagined threats and how you can use this to your advantage. I’ll also share real-world examples and strategies to help you stop self-sabotaging and start taking meaningful action.

    These concepts were an absolute game-changer for me and they will be for you too.

    If you’re ready to achieve your goals and overcome challenges, break free from fear, and start making progress, this is a must-listen.

    If this episode has helped you, I’d love to hear from you. Find me on Instagram.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min