Happy New Year! The Time Barbarians are BACK with a brand new year of exciting content! Yes, we've plundered the deepest recesses of the interwebs to bring you all the exciting happenings of January 1981. So pry off a cap of Michelob dark, kick your sandled feet up, and check out all the cool shit we uncovered.
Topics Include:
9 to 5 still dominating
First recorded use of CRACK cocaine
Axis and Allies debuts
Chicken McNuggets make their way into test kitchens
Minimum wage increases
The Yorkshire Ripper is captured
The Great Space Coaster
The UFO from France
Stymie passes away
Dynasty premires
Yorkshire girl sneezes for two years
Hill Street Blues airs
Base jumping becomes official
13 dead, nothing said
The agreement is signed between the US and Iran to release the hostages
Ronald Reagan is sworn in
Iran releases the hostages
The DeLorean rolls off the production line
The official US excecutioner dies
Reagan ends the gas wars
Happy birthday Frodo Baggins
Joel Schumacher makes his film debut
The first parade FOR Vietnam Veterans is held