*notes: (Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, Tesla Teleportation, Time Travel, & Mars) Attorney Andrew Basiago claims a secret government program called Project Pegasus sent him back in time to Gettysburg in 1863 where he was photographed. Real Life Time Traveler Experiment - DARPA's Project Pegasus. According to lawyer Andrew Basiago, it was in the 1970s and 1980s, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency used him as a child participant. (DARPA) * TESLA Teleportation is the correct name. The Mystics Podcast. A husband and wife team of a psychic medium trance channel Riz the Wiz & Empathic Intuitive Lady Oriah discussing their decade of work with the supernatural, paranormal, mystical, and anything 80’s. To find out more: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ProjectPegasus/posts/10153416194365835/