
  • 069 Overcoming Depression Part 1 -- What is Depression -- Body Techniques for Treating Depression -- Tips for Getting Good Sleep
    Jul 8 2019

    Are you part of the 7% of adult Americans who are experiencing a depressive episode this year? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares what depression is and how you can treat it mind, body, and soul. In this Tip Talk episode, she focuses on body-centered techniques for overcoming depression, including getting 20 minutes of sunlight in your eyes daily, vigorous exercise, getting restorative sleep, nutrition, and anti-depressant medication. To download a free PDF of Dr. Jennifer's "Tips for Overcoming Depression," go to https://www.jenniferdegler.com/free-resources-tip-sheets/

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    22 min
  • 068 Celebrating Your Man -- 8 Tips for Making Him Feel Loved and Appreciated -- What Husbands Need From Their Wives
    Jun 12 2019

    Want to make your guy feel loved and appreciated? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares tips for celebrating your husband by giving him what he needs, like letting him be your hero, asking for his advice, and joining him on an adventure. Pick one tip to apply and watch your man grow in confidence and your marriage thrive!

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    10 min
  • 067 Sexually Pursuing Your Husband -- Making Your Man Feel Desirable and Sexy -- CWIVES Dare of the Month
    Jun 5 2019

    Men get so much confidence from being sexually desired by their wives. Pursue your man in the bedroom, and he'll slay dragons for you in the world. Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler gives practical tips to help a wife pursue her man sexually even if she doesn't feel much sexual desire herself. Sign up for the free CWIVES Dare of the Month newsletter at http://cwives.com to help you shift out of neutral sexually and into drive! http://cwives.com http://jenniferdegler.com

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    10 min
  • 066 How to Make Peace in Your Family -- How to Quit Quarreling -- Praying for Your Family -- Genesis 13 -- Abraham and Lot
    May 28 2019

    Need help making peace in your family? In this Tip Talk podcast episode, psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares how to be a true peacemaker based on Abraham's example as he navigated a family dispute in Genesis 13. What is it that you could unselfishly yield in order to end a quarrel?

    "At the heart of every family quarrel is selfishness. What right could you yield in order to bring peace? God blesses those who work for peace... Genesis 5:9"

    "There's a time to dive in and help people. There's a time to step back and wait. Only prayer will tell you what time it is."

    To download a free PDF of Dr. Jennifer's Top Ten Tips for Building Strong Family Relationships, go to https://www.jenniferdegler.com/free-resources-tip-sheets/

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    22 min
  • 065 Ten Tips for Building Strong Family Bonds -- Importance of Family Dinner -- Embrace New Family Members -- Slow Down the Pace of Life -- Creating Meaning and Purpose for Your Family
    May 21 2019

    If you'd like to connect more with family, in this Tip Talk episode psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares ten tips for building strong family bonds. Listen for fresh ideas on how to more deeply connect and enjoy both your immediate and extended family, as well as celebrate one another, show physical affection, and embrace new family members. You can download a free PDF of this Top Ten Tips list on her website at http://jenniferdegler.com/free-resources/.

    "The family that plays together stays together. Shared laughter immediately eliminates distance between people, so take a shortcut to connection by having fun together."

    "Make the effort to show up. We all get exactly one opportunity to be there for someone’s once in a lifetime event."

    "Ban screens during meal times so everyone makes eye contact and feels heard and seen. We connect with what we look at, so look at your family, not a screen."

    Teach your children "In this family, we celebrate one another’s joys and mourn each other’s losses, and we never do the opposite."

    "Strong families are made up of imperfect people who will own their mess ups, apologize, ask for forgiveness while also forgiving themselves, and then work toward not repeating the same mistake.

    " "We weaken our family bonds when we withhold love until people measure up to exactly what we want them to be. Ask God to help you love everyone for who they are right now. "

    "An accelerated pace weakens family bonds and rushes us past those little moments where connections are made. People connect in the white spaces."

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    21 min
  • 064 Emotional Manipulation Part 4 -- More Tips for Identifying Manipulators Before They Take Advantage of You --Judges 9 -- Abimelech
    Apr 29 2019

    Can you recognize when you're being controlled and exploited so someone else can get what they want? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares 5 more tips for identifying manipulators based on a fascinating and gruesome story from Judges 9.

    Manipulators: --Serve only themselves --Offer false security --Destroy what displeases them --Repeat patterns of using and deceiving. --Don't listen to God.

    "Often people who most desire power are the least deserving of it. Power is best wielded by those who live lives of genuine service."

    "Manipulators will promise you what you want most knowing full well they are not going to deliver it."

    "Manipulators repeat the same patterns of using and deceiving people. If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you. Today you may be the favored one, but someday you'll be their victim."

    To download a free PDF of our "Top Ten Tips for Handling Emotional Manipulation," go to http://www.jenniferdegler.com/free-resources/

    Check out our online store for resources to help you enjoy emotional and spiritual health, rewarding relationships, and sizzling married sex. http://jenniferdegler.com/store

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    23 min
  • 063 Emotional Manipulation Part 3 -- How to Identify Manipulative People -- Judges 9 -- Abimelech
    Apr 22 2019

    Tips to help you sharpen your ability to spot a manipulator before you get played. Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares the first 5 of 10 tips for identifying manipulators based on a fascinating but gruesome story from Judges 9 in the Bible.

    Manipulators: 1) are all about self-promotion and image. 2) use deceptive appeals to get what they want. 3) rationalize sin to get their way. 4) drive people apart for personal gain. 5) surround themselves with corrupt people.

    "If your every step is all about promoting yourself and polishing your image, you're not on the road to spiritual success. Be humble or stumble."

    "Manipulators twist perception, limit your options, or downplay other options so their way seems like the only option you have."

    "There's no right way to do the wrong thing."

    To download the free Top Ten Tips for Handling Emotional Manipulation, go to https://www.jenniferdegler.com/free-resources/

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    18 min
  • 062 Emotional Manipulation Part 2 -- Ten Tips for Handling Emotional Manipulation -- How to Set Boundaries with Manipulative People
    Apr 15 2019

    If you're in or coming out of a relationship with a difficult, controlling person, in this Tip Talk episode psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler has ten tips to help handle emotional manipulation and its after effects. It's time to quit trying to help and change the emotionally manipulative person. Instead, you can focus on developing your emotional manipulation detection and management skills.

    You can download a free PDF of this Top Ten Tips list on her website at http://jenniferdegler.com/free-resources/.

    The book she mentions is No More Christian Nice Girl: When Just Being Nice--Instead of Good--Hurts You, Your Family, and Your Friends. Available on her website, bookstores, and online retailers.

    "Be deaf to what people say and listen to what they do. The truth about people is found in their actions, not their words."

    "It's not your job to fix emotionally manipulative people. Your job is to maintain your safety and well-being."

    "If you feel worse about yourself or increasingly unclear about who you are after spending time with someone, you are likely being emotionally manipulated."

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    22 min