Episode 46 of the How We Do Digital Ministry podcast features Tom Trenney, Minister of Music to First-Plymouth Congregational Church in Lincoln, Nebraska and Assistant Professor of Music and Conductor of Choirs at Nebraska Wesleyan University. Tom and Charlotte Elia discuss music ministry in the hybrid environment, the impact of the digital sphere on sacred song, and encouragement for our future together.
"It doesn't have to be perfect to be good, and it sure doesn't have to be perfect to be meaningful and heartfelt." - Tom Trenney
Listen to the full episode as Tom talks about these topics:
(0:54) Checking in with Church Musicians
(6:25) Affirmations from a Broader Reach
(10:54) Singing Apart and Singing Together
(20:09) Expanded Access to Sacred Music
(23:28) Recent Lessons for Musicians
(28:35) Encouragement for This Moment
You can find Tom online here:
- https://www.firstplymouth.org
- https://www.youtube.com/c/FirstPlymouthChurchLincolnNebraskaVideos
- tomtrenney@gmail.com
How We Do Digital Ministry is brought to you by Faith Growth, a small business dedicated to helping churches do digital ministry through coaching, consulting and website development. When you’re ready, sign up for a free consult at www.faithgrowth.com/call
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