(00:00) Intro
(01:39) Journey & background of Dr. Nitu
(03:42) Journey & background of Rohini
(05:12) What is PCOS?
(07:12) PCOS symptoms
(10:39) How to diagnose PCOS
(15:00) PCOS and insulin resistance
(18:58) Treating PCOS
(25:56) Recommended nutrition & foods
(38:29) Coffee & PCOS
(44:40) Strength training
(47:38) Living PCOS Free - the book
(49:18) Dr. Nitu's & Rohini's selfcare hack
(51:22) Outro
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Order the book "Living PCOS Free": https://www.bookdepository.com/Living-PCOS-Free-Nitu-Bajekal/9781781612132
Dr. Nitu & Rohini Bajekal: https://www.rohinibajekal.com and https://www.nitubajekal.com
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