
  • Topic 04-26-21 I Keep Finding Crazy Women
    Jul 12 2022

    Topic 04-26-21 I Keep Finding Crazy Women from Derrick Greene Hot 104.1

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    42 min
  • Topic 04-27-21 Prison Bae
    Apr 28 2021

    Listener Submitted

    Today’s topic comes from a female listener,(unedited)I just want you to read this on the radio station. I recently found myself in a situation where I started dating a man that is incarcerated. We have known each other for at least 10 years but we never hooked up because I was in a relationship it he was in a relationship. We finally got together, he asked me to marry him last year but the system cut off marriage because of Covid and that made time for it to reveal who he really was. He’s still talking to his kids mom and plus he’s got another woman calling me asking me questions about why are we talking because he asked her to marry him too. What the hell was I thinking? If you are dealing with a man in prison cut him off. I had to be out of my mind to think that would ever work. I will ask the women if they have ever had a successful prison love?

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    39 min
  • Why Do Women Cheat? Listen to the ladies lie!!! Hot 104.1 04/23/21
    Apr 25 2021

    Topic of the Day from Hot 104.1 St. Louis


    Today’s topic comes from a male listener,
    I want to keep this short and sweet. I know why we men cheat, it’s because we see what we want and we gotta have it. Sometimes it’s from the lack of sex and other times it’s just us men being greedy and wanting what we can’t/shouldn’t have. But the question is not about men, it’s about women. Why do women cheat? I want you to ask women what are the top 3 reasons they cheat on us. As always, I will be listening.

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    44 min
  • VP Kamala Harris Calls The Topic Of The Day
    6 min