The team start to explore further into the tower than they've gone before. Risking life and limb for high reward.
Cast twitter details: The DM is Nikki @beholdertonoone and cast is: Kel @AwfullyQHeroes, Skald @SkaldofShenan, Matt @WalshAnimation, Kelly @kparish and MountainTrollChief @MtnTrollChiefDM
The music used in this session is:
Intro: Vocals sung by Mizz Fish and can be found here: Permission Granted to Kel for use within all Awfully Queer Heroes Podcasts edited by Kyellan
Outro: Original song sung by Mizz Fish and can be found here: Permission Granted to Kel for use within all Awfully Queer Heroes Podcasts edited by Nimueh @NimuehNeith
Entity by Rok Nardin
Music promoted by
Permission Granted from Rok Nardin to Kel for use within all Awfully Queer Heroes Podcasts
Music: Escape by Alexander Nakarada (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License