Welcome to Big Blend Radio's "Travel with Terri" Podcast featuring Terri Guthrie, a travel journalist based in Dallas, Texas.
On this inaugural episode, Terri shares her travel writing backstory, that started with her being the Broadcast News Director for WFTW Vacationland Broadcasting, and Radio Announcer for Florida’s AP Network News. Today her syndicated work appears in numerous publications across North America and beyond. Check out her answers to our 10 Success Insider Questions about her career: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/travel-writer-success-insider-terri-guthrie/
Having visited around 60 countries across 6 continents, Terri is passionate about exploring, discovering, experiencing, and sharing life’s incredible journeys around the globe. Her focus is on luxury accommodations, cultural immersion, local gastronomy, fun activities, national parks and historical attractions, and more. New episodes of "Travel with Terri" air every 4th Monday at 6pm CST. Follow the show here: https://travelwithterri.podbean.com/
Follow Terri’s adventures: https://travelwithterri.net/ https://www.instagram.com/travelwithterri/ https://www.youtube.com/@travelwithterri https://www.facebook.com/travelwithterrifromtexas