Christian Liberty and Charity • 1st Corinthians 8 – Continuing in his expository series on the 1st Letter to the Church at Corinth, Elder Bryce discusses one of the questions the Corinthian brethren had about their liberty to eat meat offered to idols. The Apostle uses this question as a launching point on the subject of charity that he will discuss for the next several chapters crescendoing to a high point in Chapter 13. In the 8th Chapter, Paul tells them that he agrees they have the liberty to eat meat offered to idols because there is only one God. However, not all their brethren understood this, and so it was a sin to them. So, while Paul agrees that they have the liberty to to eat they should not if it offends their brother with them. Paul’s main point is that the knowledge that we have been given is by the mercy of God and is not just for us. We really do not have any knowledge without a charitable life with others. This message was preached on Sunday, May 7, 2023