
  • 13, Sickness
    Jul 6 2024

    Hello, Internet. Rican here, and today I want to talk about sickness. As you might have noticed, my voice sounds a bit different because I'm not feeling well. I felt terrible this morning. Thanks to a friend of mine who works in the medical field, I had some guidance when I started feeling off. You know, it's like when you're playing certain intense games and you get a sense that something bad is about to happen, like getting a headshot or being the first to get hit. It’s sort of a natural intuition. Before things got worse, I decided to take some preemptive action. I asked my friend what I should do because I was coughing, sneezing, and feeling awful.

    My friend, who is a rather large fellow—let's just call him "Fat Dude"—told me, "Oh, it's just a minor sickness. You can get better by making some simple dietary adjustments. Eat clean food, drink more water, and avoid using the air conditioner or having fans blow on your head. I think you'll feel better in a few days."

    I thought, "Okay, got it," and agreed with his advice.

    The next day, I went to Costco and bought a bag of buffalo spicy chicken wings, mango-flavored ice cream, and a cup of soda. I devoured the whole bag of wings, even though I was coughing while eating. They were so scrumptious, I sucked my fingers clean because the sauce was delicious. Then, I took a huge bite of the mango ice cream—ouch, brain freeze! I drank half a cup of soda like a thirsty horse that hadn’t had water in two weeks. That sweet juice felt like nectar from heaven. After dinner, I went home and washed myself with cold water. Oh, what a heavenly experience! I played loud music and danced in the shower. Of course, I didn’t use a hair dryer—those are for, well, people less masculine. Instead, I let the air conditioner and fans blow my hair dry. That’s the manly way, the hardcore way, you know?

    And today, I feel awful, like I’m dying. Why? My friend said it was just a minor sickness, so why do I feel so bad?

    “God damn it, Rican. When I said eat clean food, the first thing that came to your mind was spicy chicken wings?” Fat Dude sounded angry.

    “Hey, I did exactly what you told me to do,” I protested.

    “No, you did the exact opposite of everything I said. Literally everything! You stupid...” Fat Dude unleashed a barrage of curse words at me.

    “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. So, what should I do now?” I shrugged and gave him a nonchalant look.

    “You need to go to the hospital, now,” Fat Dude suggested.

    “That’s the best advice you can give? Useless,” I scoffed.

    “If you weren't sick...” Fat Dude looked like he was about to explode, so I ran off.

    I went to the hospital and spent about 7 US dollars. Healthcare in Taiwan is incredibly good. At the hospital, I met a lively grandma who looked almost 100 years old. I greeted her, “Hey, Grandma, how are you? Feeling better?” She replied, “No, I’m just here to waste the government’s money.”

    “Don’t say that, Grandma, you’re great.” I couldn’t help but laugh; she was so humorous and dark.

    “Whatever,” she smiled and walked away slowly.

    The doctor called my name; I was the next patient. I walked into the diagnostic room and saw a man in a classic white coat, just like any doctor.

    “Okay, what’s wrong with you, sir?” He spoke quickly and directly. I liked his style.

    “I’m coughing, sneezing, and sometimes I feel cold,” I said, trying to match his pace.

    “Sure, sure. Let me spray some medicine in your nose.” He took a long, thin tool, inserted it into my nose, and sprayed something. I felt much better immediately, though the process wasn’t pleasant.

    “Thanks, doctor,” I said appreciatively.

    “Now, let's check your lungs.” He placed the stethoscope on my chest near my left nipple. “Cough,” he instructed. I coughed. He moved the stethoscope to my right nipple and said, “Now cough again.” I coughed.

    “Sounds like your lungs are fine. Go get some medicine and be on your way,” the doctor smiled and spoke politely.

    I hit the limitation of the Episode description.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    10 min
  • 12, Breakfast make your day
    Jul 5 2024

    Hello, Internet. This is Rican speaking. Today, I want to talk about breakfast, a great meal to start your beautiful day. Maybe with a cup of coffee or apple juice, whatever you like. Personally, I prefer coffee—black coffee or espresso. I don’t know, it depends on what the breakfast shop has.

    In Taiwan, we have a variety of choices. Sometimes I like to have soy milk with meat buns. That is a classic Asian breakfast. We love soy milk; it’s made from soybeans, tastes a bit sweet but not too much, just the perfect flavor for me. It’s a good breakfast option. Some people might eat the buns with Coca-Cola, which I think is not really cool—it’s disgusting. No offense, but I probably couldn’t be friends with people who eat buns with Coca-Cola. Nah, just kidding. I don’t care that much. You can eat whatever you want. As long as you’re not a jerk, I’d love to be friends with anyone.

    But honestly, I’m not a big fan of traditional Asian breakfast. I like tuna sandwiches, burgers, and bacon with grilled cheese for breakfast. I love a plate with different scrumptious elements. It’s a graceful and delicious spread. Oh, this conversation is making me hungry. I might go have some breakfast after I finish recording.

    I always love trying new restaurants in Taiwan. If there are any around my place, I like to walk in and try their flavors. And I think no matter where you live in Taiwan, there will always be at least one breakfast shop nearby. It's like they’re secretly spying on you. It’s like, “Oh, Sir, you want to live there? In the middle of a forest with nothing around except trees and animals? You know what, I’m gonna build a breakfast shop next to your accommodation.” And bam, the next day, there’s a breakfast shop right next to you. They keep their word.

    That might sound crazy, but it’s how I feel. No matter where I live in Taiwan, I can always find a breakfast shop on the corner or in the middle of the street. Maybe just a few minutes’ walk away. My house is surrounded by three breakfast shops. Every time I pass by any breakfast shop, their expression seems to say, “I know you live here. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, just to make sure you get enough nutrition in your daily breakfast.” What thoughtful staff. I appreciate their passion and enthusiasm for food. And the food aroma smells so good. They fry eggs with bacon and then put it in grilled bread. The fragrance always catches my attention and makes me want to spend all my money.

    In conclusion, a good meal can give you a great start to the day. Doing something nice or eating something nice in the morning can give you a great affirmation and build a sense of confidence. I'm going to finish here. I’m Rican, and I’ll see you next time, Internet.

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    8 min
  • 11, Drama could teach me so many things
    Jul 4 2024

    Hello, Internet. This is Rican speaking. Today, I want to talk about drama. It plays a huge role in our lives, and we can always learn something from these stories.

    I have had the same problem as Ted Mosby, a character from How I Met Your Mother. The whole story is about how Ted finds his true love. He meets many women and tries to spark a connection with them. Despite experiencing the worst heartbreaks, he never gave up and kept moving forward. That’s the inspiration—just do it without too much overthinking. You might get hurt, but you'll learn something from those experiences, and that’s the burn. The feeling is so intense, it's as if you ate the spiciest hot pot and the next day you're sitting on the toilet thinking, “That was a terrible idea. Why didn't I just order the mid-level spicy? Ahhhhh, here it comes, damnnnnnn, I wish I had never been born.” That kind of burn.

    On the other hand, you learn lessons and grow from these experiences. When you fail, you stand up and try again. Each time you stand up, you improve, absorbing your mistakes as nourishment. Your resilience grows stronger, allowing you to handle even the hell-level of spicy hot pot. Maybe next time, you’ll be able to swallow a fireball. It might make you seem inhuman, but I would still be proud of you.

    I’ve been there. I know what it feels like to have a crush, fail, and feel depressed. You try harder, and harder, and harder. We don’t need answers; we just need to fix, improve, and accept ourselves. One day, we will see the most beautiful sunrise we’ve ever seen. But honestly, if I have to wake up early for a sunrise, I'd rather spend that time on breakfast—like a tuna sandwich—that would motivate me more if there was a breakfast shop near the sunrise spot. I mean, they have to sell seafood, right? If you want to watch the sunrise, you might go to the beach. My apologies, I almost forgot what we were talking about.

    Oh, right, drama. I’ve learned a ton of love values and beliefs from How I Met Your Mother. Barney Stinson teaches so many things to Ted and me. It feels like we are learning together. The first and most important thing is to love yourself. Before you can love someone else, you need to know how to love yourself. When you’re deciding on dinner with someone, you should always bring your opinion instead of saying, “up to you.” You should always bring your partner to eat the spiciest hot pot to show them the importance of decision-making if they say “I don’t know, whatever” about dinner. Now, this might be a bit personal, but I love doing it as a pressure lesson. My friends always have good opinions about meals because my incredible options are harmless to me but always challenging for my friends.

    In conclusion, we all learn lessons from real-life experiences and find happiness in certain dramas. Some dramas have changed my life because their stories touch my heart and inspire me, even though they are mostly fictional. The feeling of “I want to have this life as well” gives me tons of motivation to keep moving forward. I hope it does the same for you.

    I’m Rican, and I’ll see you next time, Internet.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    6 min
  • 10, Health is important, that's how I keep health
    Jul 3 2024

    Hello, Internet. Here is Rican speaking. Today, let’s dive into something crucial—our health.

    First off, let me put it out there: health is like that one friend who doesn’t always get the spotlight but is absolutely essential. You don’t notice it much until it starts acting up. So, let's chat about keeping that friend in top shape, shall we?

    So, the other day, I was at this health food store, you know, just browsing for something that doesn't scream cardboard when you bite into it. The cashier, who looked like she could run a marathon while balancing a kale smoothie on her head, asked me if I’d tried spirulina.

    Spirulina—it sounds like some kind of space-age superfood, right? Turns out, it’s this blue-green algae that’s supposed to be packed with protein, vitamins, and antioxidants. Apparently, it’s the Beyoncé of the algae world. She handed me a sample, and I thought, “Hey, why not?” I mean, I’m always up for trying new things if they don’t smell like wet dog.

    I took it home, mixed it into a smoothie, and... wow. It tasted like I was drinking a pond. Not gonna lie. But they say it’s good for you, so maybe I’ll give it another shot when my taste buds are feeling brave.

    Let’s be real, though. Eating healthy isn’t just about chugging green stuff that tastes like you’re licking a lawnmower. It’s about balance. I mean, we can’t all survive on quinoa and kale 24/7, right? Sometimes, you just need a burger that’s more of a sculpture than a sandwich.

    But here’s the kicker—moderation. Even when you're indulging, keep it balanced. I’ve started following this 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, I’m all about the veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. The other 20%, I’m living my best life with pizza or whatever my cravings are calling for. It’s like keeping your health and your happiness on speaking terms.

    And speaking of happiness, let’s talk mental health. It’s just as important as physical health, folks. We’re in this crazy fast-paced world, and sometimes it’s like our brains are on a hamster wheel. That’s why it’s crucial to slow down, breathe, and take time for ourselves.

    I’ve recently gotten into mindfulness—which, despite sounding super zen, is actually pretty straightforward. It’s about being present and not letting your mind race ahead to all the “what ifs” and “should haves.” I started with just 5 minutes a day, sitting quietly, focusing on my breath, and it’s been surprisingly refreshing. No incense or chanting needed, just a moment to clear the fog.

    Another thing I swear by is staying active. Now, don’t panic. I’m not talking about becoming a gym rat or running marathons. It’s about finding something you enjoy that gets you moving. For me, it’s been hiking. There’s something about being out in nature that just resets my brain. Plus, there’s no better workout than trying to outrun a sudden rainstorm.

    If hiking isn’t your thing, maybe it’s dancing like nobody’s watching (even if everybody is) or just taking a brisk walk around the block. The goal is to get moving, not to punish yourself with endless burpees or crunches. Let’s face it—burpees were invented by someone who hates joy.

    Oh, and hydration. Seriously, drink water like it’s your job. Your body will thank you. I used to be terrible at this, but now I carry a water bottle everywhere. It’s like having a small, annoying friend constantly reminding you to take a sip. But hey, it works.

    Sleep—let’s not forget about sleep. I used to think I could get by on just a few hours, but trust me, being a zombie is not a good look. Aim for a solid 7-8 hours. Your brain and body do all sorts of magic while you’re asleep, like fixing stuff and processing the day. So, treat yourself to some good shut-eye.

    To sum it up, health isn’t just about one thing—it’s a mix of eating well, staying active, managing stress, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep. It’s about finding what works for you and sticking with it.

    I’m Rican, and I’ll see you next time, Internet.

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    12 min
  • 9, A good trip I think it (3)
    Jul 2 2024

    Hello, Internet. This is Rican speaking. Now I will talk about the last part of my trip.

    After we finished our cake in the coffee shop, we stayed a bit longer for a chat. The owner joined our conversation. We discussed how “Artificial Intelligence is expected to replace many current jobs in the coming years, as its computational power and algorithms surpass human capabilities.” The owner then asked, “Is the cake not sweet enough? I reduced the sugar, but it’s healthier and pairs better with coffee!”

    “That’s the perfect sweetness for me; I love the cake,” I responded.

    “Nice, I worry it might not appeal to young people. You know, my taste is more old-school,” she said.

    “Well, I am not young, for sure,” I replied, slightly hurt.

    The owner seemed very local, so I asked for some travel advice in the area. She recommended several small restaurants and a night market. Another staff member noticed our conversation and added, “No, if you’re talking about lamb soup, you must try Uncle A-Zao's. They have the best lamb soup in town.”

    The owner disagreed, “They’re not bad, but the best? Pfff.”

    “Come on, admit it, that’s the best lamb soup. You know nothing,” said the staff member. I wondered if he would still have his job after this conversation.

    “I know nothing? Let’s talk about lamb soup,” the owner replied, ready for a debate.

    They discussed all the advantages and disadvantages of the two lamb soup restaurants they mentioned. I felt excited because they were so passionate and debated so intensely. It made me really want to try the local lamb soup. When you see someone so passionate about food, you wonder how it tastes, and maybe you can give them your own feedback.

    After the debate, the staff seemed to give up, but he whispered to me, “I didn’t lose. Try A-Zao; that’s the lamb soup you definitely need to try.” What a sneaky move—pretending to lose but then telling me that. But I loved his enthusiasm.

    We left the coffee shop, but due to the hot weather, we didn’t go to the lamb soup shop. Our next stop was a deer farm.

    We arrived at the deer farm, and there were, of course, many deer. It is a deer farm. We bought tickets and got a cup of animal feed. The deer went crazy for the feed. If they saw any tourists with the iron cup walking into their area, they would chase you eagerly. It felt like being surrounded by a group of zombies, their greedy eyes saying, “Give me that, you stupid human.”

    To my deer listeners, I apologize for the inappropriate description. We also fed the capybaras, and they are very different from deer. If you feed them, they will eat for sure. But if you try to play with them by pretending to give them food and then taking it back, they will give up immediately and continue eating the grass on the ground. Their lazy eyes seem to say, “You know what, forget you, human. I don’t care about your pathetic cheap feed. I have infinite grass here. Forget you again, human. You ugly piece of crap.”

    I have no idea if the capybaras really think like that. If any of my listeners are capybaras, I apologize for my inappropriate imagination and hope you can tell me if you really think like this or not.

    In the end, we had a great time at the deer farm, playing with the animals, and we were satisfied. We drove back to town, tried some restaurants recommended by the coffee shop owner and staff. At night, we visited the local night market. Before heading home, we bought some local cakes and gifts.

    That’s my whole trip experience. It’s not always about where you go but who you travel with and your interactions with the local community. I had a wonderful journey. I’m Rican, and I’ll see you next time, Internet.

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    6 min
  • 8, A good trip I think it (2)
    Jul 1 2024

    Hello, Internet. This is Rican speaking. Today, I want to continue yesterday’s travel topic. As I mentioned, yesterday we went on a trip with friends. After visiting the castle, we decided to head to a nearby town for some lunch.

    As you might know, I’m a big fan of food. I love eating, just like most people who need to eat. I'm not sure about robots though, given all the artificial intelligence out there today. Maybe some of my audience are robots. If you’re a robot or any form of being that doesn’t require food, I sincerely apologize and hope you can still enjoy whatever you absorb to maintain your existence.

    We found a Korean restaurant because they had air conditioning for customers who wanted to dine in. I don’t believe the chef is Korean because the atmosphere felt like most other Taiwanese shops, not really Korean. But how would I know? I’m just speaking my mind without much consideration. We ordered some Korean fried chicken and classic Korean noodles. One of the noodles was black bean sauce noodles, which is my favorite Korean dish. I tried black bean sauce noodles in Australia, made by a real Korean chef, and he made the best black bean sauce noodles for me. That’s a favorable seasoning.

    I finally understand how it feels when eating Taiwanese or Chinese food in other countries—the feeling of, "Even if I randomly picked an old, bald, and friendly grandpa walking on the street, gave him the cheapest ingredients with a pair of chopsticks as cooking tools, perhaps the grandpa, with his eyes closed, dancing while cooking, could still make a better dish than this adorable cuisine." I’m surprised by this feeling I'm experiencing right now, in my own country.

    I would never bring my Korean friend to this restaurant. The taste is good, no judgment. But if you mention the quality, it's like seeing Captain America and then looking in the mirror at my reflection. I'd say, “Yeah, you’re good, but nah,” with a shrug and a smile. This meal is standard, but far from achieving authentic Korean food. I still had a good experience because I love trying different restaurants I've never been to before. Life is about experiencing and discovering new things. We can express our feelings about anything just by trying to find the answers we seek.

    A restaurant is something you need to walk into and get a meal to know the quality of service. So, there are no regrets in any decision—just keep trying and discovering. I know the service isn't my type, but I’ll make a better choice next time. I feel satisfied that I walked into this Korean restaurant.

    Then, we found a famous coffee shop outside the town. There was a spectacular view from the coffee shop. We could see the green, natural, and vast farmland from inside while enjoying a cup of iced coffee. Seeing the green crops made me want to eat some rice. When I saw all those crops, I imagined my next meal’s ingredients might be harvested from this clean landscape.

    My female travel mates had different opinions. They said, “I’m sorry, this is a fancy cake coffee shop, and you’re talking about pork rice? Damn you, Rican.” What graceful and authentic friends. Of course, I love cakes. We ordered some colorful and fruity cakes made with mango, passion fruit, mocha, and chocolate. I mean separately. If you put everything together, it would be a chaotic monster cake. Actually, that doesn’t sound too bad.

    The best one was the mango cream cake. It was our favorite, and we finished it first, even though all the cakes were served together. The cakes were big, so we could share each one. My chocolate cake was the second favorite because I picked it, and I didn’t want to lose any other cake. So, I ate most of it and told everyone my chocolate cake was number two. They said, “Well, you almost ate half the cake by yourself.” What a group of people who refuse to admit defeat. Grow up, my friends. It’s not a competition. Even though my cake was the second favorite, it's not something I’ll brag about. Maybe.

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    8 min
  • 7, A good trip I think it (1)
    Jun 30 2024

    My speaking is much better than before because I started using the script. Here is the script:

    Hello, Internet. This is Rican speaking. Today I want to talk about travel.

    Yesterday, I went on a trip with my friend. We drove for about two hours to our destination. On the way, I bought some steamed dumplings. While I was chatting with the owner and asking for travel advice, another customer who seemed to visit the area often joined in. We didn’t really discuss travel options; instead, we talked about how wealthy this customer is. He owns a lot of land at the travel location we visited, so I jokingly asked him, "Do you need a stepson?"

    I mean, I’d love to have a rich stepfather who owns a whole street of land! That would mean so much to me because I could use that land to build a ton of pet stores, parking lots, or maybe even some adult toy shops, which would be a great decision for my own purposes. I could boost the local economy. Just imagine traveling in a natural, clean, and comfortable place surrounded by animals, and then seeing an adult toy shop. How surprised would you be? You might wonder, "Yeah, so, how does this help my trip or boost the local economy?" Well, at least it surprises you, right?

    Unfortunately, my potential stepfather rejected my request, saying, and I quote, "I have never heard such a stupid thing in my entire life. Also, no offense, but you’re a bit too ugly." But we still had a good laugh. He laughed so hard that he almost dropped his steamed dumplings. In fact, he did drop one, and I tried to pick it up and return it to him, but he politely refused. What a wonderful man!

    By the way, the steamed dumplings were amazing—wonderfully flavorful and juicy, stuffed with minced pork and green onions. After finishing my breakfast, we visited a famous castle picture point. There was a facial care shop combined with natural travel art where you could make your own handmade items, but I wasn't interested in that. They did have a lot of free-to-try skin protection products. Since it was a hot summer day, I used some sunscreen from there. I can't say I understand the difference between their sunscreen and other normal, cheap ones, but at that moment, using their sunscreen felt definitely more wonderful and beautiful. They even said I could take it for free and only buy it if I liked it. I didn’t buy it, though, and I felt a bit guilty, but their sunscreens are amazing. I had a great trip without getting sunburned, thanks to their generosity and the good quality of their sunscreen.

    After that, we took some pictures and spent time at a coffee shop, which was expensive. Before we went in, we needed to buy tickets to enter, and the tickets had some coupons. We used those coupons to get ice cream with a cup of milk. I didn't want to spend my money on a tourist restaurant. The taste was just normal and expensive. I might go to a local cheap shop next time for some noodles and snacks that would cost just a few dollars.

    In the end, it was still a pretty good experience. It doesn’t matter where you are; it always matters who you are traveling with. I love spending time with my friends, most of whom are not particularly intelligent, including myself. But I just love traveling like that, where you can forget about everything and just do stupid things with friends.

    Our travel isn't over yet, so next time, I’ll continue with the next part of the trip. But for today, I'll end here. I’m Rican. See you next time, Internet.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    6 min
  • 6, Ramen is a good dish, everybody should try it at least one time.
    Jun 28 2024
    5 min