
  • Episode #36 - Jesus Is the Plan!
    Apr 26 2023

    Join me in today's episode as I share my #1 Takeaway from the "Exploring Grace" event with Emily Belle Freeman.


    We take a look at the Abrahamic Covenant and how Christ actually takes responsibility for both sides of the covenant.

    I also get personal as I share 7 specific examples of how Jesus Christ has been showing up for me personally in the midst of feeling like I was in trenches of emotional waves that came as I faced the obstacle of too much water in the crawl space of my home.

    How has Christ & his grace been showing up for you??

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    24 min
  • Episode #35 - Unexpected Miracles w/Jackie Culley
    Mar 23 2023

    Jackie Culley has faced one of the most difficult storms I believe a soul is called to face here in this existence.

    In 2014 her son Riley was diagnosed with cancer and in 2020 just a couple of months prior to the worldwide pandemic that sent our world into isolation she said goodbye to her boy in this physical existence. She says that if you had asked her a few years ago, she would have told you she was a mother and wife, she own's an interior design business and a group fitness instructor. She may have even told you she had done a figure competition and that she rides motorcycles. But today….. In her messy middle, she would tell you she is still trying to figure out exactly who she is and that until she's certain she will continue to Trust Divinity as she courageously "listens and acts", witnessing miracle after miracle in her life. The thing that amazes me the very most about my friend Jackie is the depth of charity she has embraced through this process. In honor of Riley, Jackie inspires and blesses the lives of many through her non-profit organization "Christmas for Cancer Families". I can't wait for you to hear Jackie's story... one where facing the storm of losing her son has been transformed into charity. By the grace of God, Jackie has taken the hardest trial of her life and uses it continually to bless others. She has remodeled houses, provided Christmas in abundance for many facing the monster we call cancer, & so much more. I'm so excited to welcome Jackie to the Trusting Divinity Podcast. As promised... I've linked her website, facebook & instagram for "Christmas for Cancer Families" below as I imagine many will desire to get involved...

    Website: https://christmasforcancerfamilies.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jackieculleydesign Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christmasforcancerfamilies/

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    1 h et 26 min
  • Episode #34 - The Love Seat: Loving on Katie
    Mar 10 2023

    Today I'm excited to bring you the second trusting divinity LOVE SEAT episode!  We have had another brave and courageous soul volunteer to be loved!

    Katie willingly stepped up to be real, raw and vulnerable in sharing her messy middle.  Katie is a coach herself and instead of thinking she should have it altogether she recognized that everyone (even coaches) can benefit from an outside perspective.  I'm so grateful she said YES, because as she stepped into a co-creative conversation she found great clarity, next right steps, emotional freedom & really juicy downloads from heaven!  She generously shares that which she received from her heart to yours!

    I'm absolutely certain there will be something in this episode you can relate to!

    Let's dive in!

    The meditative music featured in today's episode is called "Revelation" by David Tolk.  More info can be found @ https://www.davidtolk.com.

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    1 h et 13 min
  • Episode #33 - Meditation: Goddess of Fertility
    Mar 3 2023

    In today's episode...

    I am celebrating a very special friend who is near and dear to my heart by dedicating this episode to her.  Because I haven't received permission I won't share her name, but I am oh so grateful for this woman whose faith strengthens mine.  This friend is so brave & so courageous... you see, this friend is currently in the midst of her journey to fertility.  I have prayed for, meditated with, & begged God to gift her a child and the official role of mother AND I have mourned with and wept for this friend when IVF results have felt like unanswered prayers.

    My heart hurts not only for this friend... but for each woman in our world who faces the bumps & bruises of infertility.

    This meditation was created for another friend who specifically was seeking to create new life, to have another baby.  I wanted to help her visualize & experience the process before it ever physically manifested in her life.  Whether you currently feel called to create a new life or you feel called to create a different "metaphorical baby" I believe this meditation can be beneficial.  I invite you to settle into your heart & simply be loved by divinity as you allow these words to wash over you trusting that you will receive whatever it is your soul needs to hear in this moment of eternity.

    I do have ONE BIG ASK as you ponder and consider sharing this specific episode specifically with those who are on their own journey to fertility.  

    I invite you to please seek heaven's counsel to know if this episode should be shared.  Depending on each individual's journey, this meditation could be hard to bear & hurt a heart even more than it's already hurting.  

    So... before you share, please, please, please, tune in & seek heaven's guidance to know how you personally can support a friend on their journey to fertility.

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    22 min
  • Episode #32 - Women Are Not Lazy or Crazy... Embracing Femininity
    Feb 24 2023

    Spring is on it's way & as we prepare to watch mother earth transition between seasons it feels like the perfect time to share a message from my heart specifically around the identity of being a woman and embracing femininity.  Inviting women to return to their natural cyclical nature honoring each season along the way leads to women who thrive instead of feeling like their simply surviving!  Join me for a discussion on embracing femininity.

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    18 min
  • Episode #31 - The Love Seat: Loving on Amy
    Feb 9 2023

    I'm so excited to introduce you to the Trusting Divinity Love Seat.  

    I'm excited to sprinkle love seat episodes into the tapestry as we have brave and courageous souls willing to be real, raw and vulnerable as they share their messy middle, ask for help & step into a co-creative conversation to help them find clarity, next right steps, emotional freedom & whatever else the Lord has in store.   

    Today... I am honored to have Amy joining me in the first official Trusting Divinity love seat!  I am so grateful for her courageous heart & her desires to let herself be loved by divinity!  

    If you have something in your own messy middle that you would like help navigating, I would love to have you join me for the next love seat episode!  Reach out with a DM on social media or send an email to wendy@trustingdivinity.com so we can get you scheduled for your own dose of love!

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    1 h
  • Episode #30 - Co-Creation & Photography w/ Faun Jackson
    Feb 3 2023

    PLEASE NOTE:  You may prefer to watch this episode on the Trusting Divinity YouTube channel as we share the actual images that go hand in hand with the stories shared throughout the episode.

    In today's episode, Faun Jackson and I, are discussing her incredible gift of co-creating with God through photography.  I met Faun through a post that popped up on my facebook feed.  Her post was such a beautiful testament of God being in the details of our lives, orchestrating things we could never do on our own.  Another example of the perfection of God's grace and I felt compelled to not only share her post but to invite her to join me live to share such a beautiful story.

    Faun loves the color green, Thai food, and all things sushi!  She is a lover of books & all things art & recently retired from 20 years of working at a library.  Her photography journey began years ago when she decided to create her own school pictures for her kids.  Others fell in love with her work and it has grown from there.

    Faun lives in the small town of Lyman, UT... which just happens to be perfectly located between the two incredible landscapes of Fish Lake & Capitol Reef, both perfect backdrops for doing what she loves.  She especially enjoys composite photography... the combining of two or more different images to create a new one and has used her gifts to bless so many lives.  Faun has a gift to simply see the beauty of God in each of his children.  She feels called to & especially loves helping teenagers SEE their beauty, value & worth.

    If you would like to check out more of her majestic creations you can find her on many of today's social media platforms.

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/faundimages

    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/faundimages/

    TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@faundimages

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    54 min
  • Episode #29 - The BOTH AND of Active Rest w/Cheltzey Newman
    Jan 27 2023

    I have been striving to implement what I preach and have embarked on the adventure of putting my own "recommended resolution" to simply BE MYSELF into action, I have been reminded that for as long as I can remember, my heart LOVES to connect with other humans... to learn about and be inspired by their stories.  As I look back over the years I see a reoccurring theme of being specifically drawn to individuals who have experienced really hard things yet somehow through it all have found a way to LEAN in and trust that the messy middle is most definitely here for their good.

    It simply makes sense that of course I would want to share these ordinary yet incredible souls & their stories with you, here on the trusting divinity podcast.  Each month I will highlight an extraordinary individual who has had a specific impact in my journey by inviting them to share a piece of their story highlighting specifically how they have learned to "Trust Divinity" in the midst of their own messy middle.

    Today, I can't wait to introduce you to the incredible, amazing & delightful Cheltzey Newman.  Besides being an incredible human Cheltzey is also a spiritual-intuitive teacher and mindset master.  With the heart of a teacher, a background in education and a passion for living this life to the fullest, her mission is to help you discover the keys that unlock your mindset and ultimately lead you to living the life of your dreams!  She loves working with individuals to remove the physical and spiritual blocks that keep you stuck.  Her hope is for you to learn how to live your life on PURPOSE, experience JOY and be PRESENT for all this life has to offer.  

    Cheltzey is having a lot of fun studying her scriptures in a whole new way this year and is sharing through her youtube channel how God is teaching her through guided imagery in the scriptures. She is also working on a session all about Joy that will be live on her website soon and offers personal sessions by donation currently.  This gal hosted the phenomenal "Be Still and Know" retreat back in December and it sounds like she may have another retreat up her sleeve this spring.  

    She says the best way to connect with her currently is on facebook.  Just make sure you spell her name C-H-E-L-T-Z-E-Y... last name Newman, spelled just like it sounds new man. 

    Here are links allowing you to easily connect with her!

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/cheltzey

    YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/@cheltzeynewman

    Website:  https://keymindset.vipmembervault.com/

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    1 h et 12 min