In today’s episode of the Truth Wanted, Objectively Dan and Benjamin Clodfelter, discuss defense tactics against Christian Nationalism before a surprise call from Jon who thinks that men who are not woke can beat Ronda Rousey in a fight.
Rogue Show in SC asks the hosts how a layman person can defend against Christian Nationalism. Ben advises to get involved with any of thousands of organizations and help contribute to a number of causes. Everyone has the ability to go out and make a difference. ACLU and the Human Rights Campaign are two places to start. Dan mentions Recovering From Religion, and how that activism does not have to be something that is on the books and how it is more than just donating or volunteering. Living your life by your own principles is a good way to do it.
Chase in the USA wants to talk about where art and activism merge and how there are methods such as writing screen plays, spoken words, and music. Ben mentions how some of the best art that has ever been created has come out of diversity and resistance. Dan reminds us that art that we create is not only helpful for the present, but also the future because it is like planting trees. Even public speaking like what the hosts do can be a form of helpful and impactful art! Practice, talk with strangers, and get used to talking in these spaces. Dan plays the violin and will think about being some random guy playing at a protest, even when it is 100 degrees in Texas.
Dee in IA pushes back on the voicemail and describes how it is illogical and erroneous to point at Israel fulfilling any kind of prophecy. She mentions how we need to pull back support and take a harder line with war criminals. Dan describes how there is a lot of discourse for what is happening there. In response to the actions of Hamas, what is a proportional response to their actions? What actions should be taken as long as the ends justify the means? Dan reminds us that we are limited with our commentary on geopolitical events.
Jon from Canada wants to say that being woke is dangerous because it discriminates against white men, and men are necessary. Is Dan not woke anymore because is a white guy? What organizations are actively “woke” by discriminating against white men? What percentage of the firefighters in California are black women, and why do you say they are not qualified to handle it? Were the white men firefighters we saw on the news just wearing costumes? Why are men more physically capable? Do you think you can beat up Ronda Rousey? You are taking hypothetical situations and applying it to people you don’t even know. Why can’t you name one black woman who is fighting these fires and why can’t you tell us what statistics you know?
Clement in Spain notices how a lot of comments from the U.S. make it seem like they are the guardians of the world. How should foreign policy be consistent with addressing our alliances regardless of the administrations that come and go? Could the average person in the U.S. point out different countries on a map or know how much any member of NATO is contributing?
After sporting tin foil hats, Scott Dickie the backup host joins us to close out the show. Thank you for tuning in this week. Prompt of the week is to finish the story: Three Flat Earthers go to Antarctica
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