
  • Episode 37 - Teach Love Dimension: Plant Seeds
    Feb 26 2022

    Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to the Turn Yourself In! Podcast with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto. A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults program providing bite-sized secrets, reflections, and exercises to know, love, and heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.

    In this thirty-seventh and final episode in the Turn Yourself In Podcast, we will explore the eighth and last consideration within the Teach Love dimension called Plant Seeds.

    You can find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: kiofg@hotmail.com. 

    #intuition #sensitve #empath #selfmastery #peace #wisdom #insight #meditation #divinesupersoul #healing #theurbanspiritguide #HSP #turnyourselfin #motivation #confidence #happiness #gratitude #resilience #presence #awakening #healing

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    8 min
  • Episode 36 - Teach Love Dimension: Understand the Truth
    Feb 26 2022

    Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to the Turn Yourself In! Podcast with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto. A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults program providing bite-sized secrets, reflections, and exercises to know, love, and heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.

    In this thirty-sixth episode, we will explore the seventh consideration within the Teach Love dimension called Understand the Truth.

    You can find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: kiofg@hotmail.com. 

    #intuition #sensitve #empath #selfmastery #peace #wisdom #insight #meditation #divinesupersoul #healing #theurbanspiritguide #HSP #turnyourselfin #motivation #confidence #happiness #gratitude #resilience #presence #awakening #healing

    Voir plus Voir moins
    9 min
  • Episode 35 - Teach Love Dimension: Surrender to Source
    Feb 21 2022

    Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to the Turn Yourself In! Podcast with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto. A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults program providing bite-sized secrets, reflections, and exercises to know, love, and heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.

    In this thirty-fifth episode, we will explore the sixth consideration within the Teach Love dimension called Surrender to Source.

    You can find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: kiofg@hotmail.com. 

    #intuition #sensitve #empath #selfmastery #peace #wisdom #insight #meditation #divinesupersoul #healing #theurbanspiritguide #HSP #turnyourselfin #motivation #confidence #happiness #gratitude #resilience #presence #awakening #healing

    Voir plus Voir moins
    11 min
  • Episode 34 - Teach Love Dimension: Choose Love in Every Moment
    Feb 19 2022

    Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to the Turn Yourself In! Podcast with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto. A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults program providing bite-sized secrets, reflections, and exercises to know, love, and heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.

    In this thirty-fourth episode, we will explore the fifth consideration within the Teach Love dimension called Choose Love in Every Moment.

    You can find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: kiofg@hotmail.com. 

    #intuition #sensitve #empath #selfmastery #peace #wisdom #insight #meditation #divinesupersoul #healing #theurbanspiritguide #HSP #turnyourselfin #motivation #confidence #happiness #gratitude #resilience #presence #awakening #healing

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    12 min
  • Episode 33 - Teach Love Dimension: Let go of Attachments
    Feb 19 2022

    Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to the Turn Yourself In! Podcast with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto. A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults program providing bite-sized secrets, reflections, and exercises to know, love, and heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.

    In this thirty-third episode, we will explore the fourth consideration within the Teach Love dimension called Let go of Attachments.

    You can find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: kiofg@hotmail.com. 

    #intuition #sensitve #empath #selfmastery #peace #wisdom #insight #meditation #divinesupersoul #healing #theurbanspiritguide #HSP #turnyourselfin #motivation #confidence #happiness #gratitude #resilience #presence #awakening #healing

    Voir plus Voir moins
    12 min
  • Episode 32 - Teach Love Dimension: Share your Gifts with the World
    Feb 19 2022

    Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to the Turn Yourself In! Podcast with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto. A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults program providing bite-sized secrets, reflections, and exercises to know, love, and heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.

    In this thirty-second episode, we will explore the third consideration within the Teach Love dimension called Share your Gifts with the World.

    You can find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: kiofg@hotmail.com. 

    #intuition #sensitve #empath #selfmastery #peace #wisdom #insight #meditation #divinesupersoul #healing #theurbanspiritguide #HSP #turnyourselfin #motivation #confidence #happiness #gratitude #resilience #presence #awakening #healing

    Voir plus Voir moins
    11 min
  • Episode 31 - Teach Love Dimension: Trust your Higher Self
    Feb 19 2022

    Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to the Turn Yourself In! Podcast with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto. A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults program providing bite-sized secrets, reflections, and exercises to know, love, and heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.

    In this thirty-first episode, we will explore the second consideration within the Teach Love dimension called Trust your Higher Self.

    You can find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: kiofg@hotmail.com. 

    #intuition #sensitve #empath #selfmastery #peace #wisdom #insight #meditation #divinesupersoul #healing #theurbanspiritguide #HSP #turnyourselfin #motivation #confidence #happiness #gratitude #resilience #presence #awakening #healing

    Voir plus Voir moins
    11 min
  • Episode 30 - Teach Love Dimension: Know you are Holy
    Feb 19 2022

    Hello beautiful beings! Welcome to the Turn Yourself In! Podcast with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto. A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults program providing bite-sized secrets, reflections, and exercises to know, love, and heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.

    In this thirtieth episode, we will begin our exploration into Dimension 4: Teach Love including the first consideration called Know You Are Holy.

    You can find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: kiofg@hotmail.com. 

    #intuition #sensitve #empath #selfmastery #peace #wisdom #insight #meditation #divinesupersoul #healing #theurbanspiritguide #HSP #turnyourselfin #motivation #confidence #happiness #gratitude #resilience #presence #awakening #healing

    Voir plus Voir moins
    12 min