
  • Am I a traitor to my Jewish people for believing in Jesus?
    Mar 7 2022

    Susan Perlman continues her interview with Dr. Jack Sternberg in this two-part series.  Jack and his wife were looking for answers in all the wrong places from disco dancing to wonderful vacations.  They were happy but felt there was something missing. Until one day Jack found himself asking a Jewish colleague if he could go to a Christian church with him.  Jack is candid in the telling of his amazing life story.  A must listen for anyone searching for answers to life’s most important questions.

    If you want to hear more about Jack’s story or have any questions or comments or would like to receive online literature on what it means to be Jewish and believe in Jesus write to us at schmooze@twojewsschmooze.org.

    Listen to more topics about Jews, Jesus and Jews for Jesus and how that works in our world at our podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/two-jews-schmooze

    For our blog on other topics at https://www.facebook.com/TwoJewsSchmooze


    Hosts’ Bio:

    Susan Perlman

    Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization.  A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.


    Dr. Jack Sternberg

    Dr. Jack Sternberg, is a diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine and is board certified in Medical Oncology. He practices in Little Rock, Arkansas.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • A Man of Science asks, “Is this is all there is?”
    Mar 1 2022

    Susan Perlman interviews Dr. Jack Sternberg, the first oncologist in the state of Arkansas on how he moved from being an atheist to discovering that there is more to life.  Jack shares about his childhood growing up in a non-religious Jewish home, his years of medical school, marriage to his wonderful wife and birth of his children. But not all was as wonderful as it seemed.  This is part one of a two-part series.


    If you want to hear more about Jack’s story or have any questions or comments or would like to receive online literature on what it means to be Jewish and believe in Jesus write to us at schmooze@twojewsschmooze.org.


    Listen to more topics about Jews, Jesus and Jews for Jesus and how that works in our world at our podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/two-jews-schmooze


    For our blog on other topics at https://www.facebook.com/TwoJewsSchmooze


    Hosts’ Bio:


    Susan Perlman


    Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization.  A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.


    Dr. Jack Sternberg

    Dr. Jack Sternberg, is a diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine and is board certified in Medical Oncology. He practices in Little Rock, Arkansas.





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    20 min
  • I married a Jewish doctor and we fell in love with Jesus.
    Feb 22 2022

    Susan Perlman interviews Marilyn Sternberg on her journey from a being a good Jewish girl who fulfills her mother’s greatest desire by marrying a Jewish doctor to recognizing that what she thought would bring her happiness was not enough.  Enjoy hearing Marilyn’s story of growing up in a traditional Jewish home surrounded by Jewish people where she was dearly loved to being baptized as a follower of the Messiah, Jesus in her back yard swimming pool.  Marilyn is a delight!

    If you want to hear more about Marilyn’s story or have any questions or comments or would like to receive online literature on what it means to be Jewish and believe in Jesus write to us at schmooze@twojewsschmooze.org.

    Listen to more topics about Jews, Jesus and Jews for Jesus and how that works in our world at our podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/two-jews-schmooze

    For our blog on other topics at https://www.facebook.com/TwoJewsSchmooze


    Hosts’ Bio:

    Susan Perlman

    Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization.  A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.


    Marilyn Sternberg

    Marilyn Sternberg is the wife of Dr. Jack Sternberg, a retired medical oncologist. They moved to Hot Springs from Little Rock, where they had lived for twenty-eight years. She is the mother of two children, Jennifer, married to Lamar, a pastor in Hot Springs, and Brian, a Pulaski County deputy sheriff. She also has twin granddaughters, Maggie and Claire.


    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • What Happens to a Bob Dylan wannabe when he starts asking God to show Himself
    Feb 15 2022

    Susan Perlman interviews Stephen Katz of Jews for Jesus on his journey from following Bob Dylan to encountering Jesus.  Listen as they discuss his early childhood in Illinois where he realizes that not everyone likes the Jewish people.  Stephen Katz describes his spiritual journey from writing a college paper on Jesus to refute his relevance for Jewish people to the startling conclusions he came to. You won’t want to miss how he went from a doubter to a devoted follower.


    If you have any questions or comments or would like to receive online literature on what it means to be Jewish and believe in Jesus write to us at schmooze@twojewsschmooze.org.


    Listen to more topics about Jews, Jesus and Jews for Jesus and how that works in our world at our podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/two-jews-schmooze


    For our blog on other topics at https://www.facebook.com/TwoJewsSchmooze


    Hosts’ Bio:


    Susan Perlman


    Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization.  A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.


    Stephen Katz


    Stephen was raised in a traditional Jewish home and at the age of 18 became a follower of Jesus. On staff since 1989, he currently serves as Chief of Staff for the organization’s leadership team out of New York. He and his wife, Laura, have four married children and six grandchildren. Stephen holds a master's degree in social work from the University of Illinois and another in Intercultural and Jewish Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is sought after as a speaker and musician, albeit not at all like Bob Dylan.   


    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • Israel and Palestine: An Inside Scoop
    Feb 8 2022

    Challenge your preconceived ideas on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.


    Susan Perlman interviews Justin Kron of the Kesher Forum in Chicago as they discuss his new film: “Hope in the Holy Land” which provides the most fair and balanced film on this subject ever made according to reviews.  Justin was challenged with the statement “if your theology doesn’t lead you to love your neighbor and your enemy then something is wrong with your theology.”  He and Susan discuss how we must learn to look at the conflict in Israel from both sides: these are real people, real stories, people who want peace in their land.  The challenge for all of us:  learning to take a risk, step out of our comfort zone and listen to our enemy. Susan and Justin also talk about the true hope for Israel, the Gospel which brings true peace.


    To watch the movie:



    Listen to more topics about Messianic Judaism and how that works in our world at our podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/two-jews-schmooze


    For our blog on other topics at https://www.facebook.com/TwoJewsSchmooze


    Hosts’ Bio:


    Susan Perlman

    Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization.  A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.


    Justin Kron

    Justin Kron is the founder of the Kesher Forum, an inter-denominational gathering based in Chicago, IL for Christians who are interested in learning more about Jewish culture and building bridges with their Jewish friends and neighbors. He is also the founding director of eXperience Israel, a spiritual pilgrimage program for Christian young adults, and he writes and speaks frequently on topics related to the Jewish heritage of the Christian faith, Christian anti-Semitism, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He and his wife, Judy, have three teenage children and reside in the Chicago area. Go Cubs!


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    27 min
  • An Artist and Her Creator
    Feb 2 2022

    Susan Perlman schmoozes with Jewish believer in Jesus Melissa Moskowitz. Melissa is an art curator who loves to inspire others to create and draws her creativity from Jesus. She grew up in the Bronx, New York but has lived across the U.S.  Now residing in southern California, she tells stories from her fascinating life.

    If you have questions or comments, please email us at schmooze@twojewsschmooze.org

    Listen to more topics about Messianic Judaism and how that works in our world at our podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/two-jews-schmooze

    For our blog on other topics at https://www.facebook.com/TwoJewsSchmooze


    Hosts’ Bio:

    Susan Perlman

    Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization.  A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.

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    28 min
  • Surviving the Holocaust
    Jan 26 2022

    Susan Perlman schmoozes with Elliot Klayman. Elliot tells the story of Rachmiel Frydland.  Born in a little village in Poland. Rachmiel saw his whole killed including his bride yet miraculously lived through the Holocaust and came out with his faith in Yeshua stronger than before. He snuck back into the Warsaw ghetto just to be with his people, yet God spared him to tell others about Jesus. 

    To watch the play about Rachmiel Frydland’s life, please go here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtI-EA0ZM_Q

    If you have questions or comments, please email us at schmooze@twojewsschmooze.org

    Listen to more topics about Messianic Judaism and how that works in our world at our podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/two-jews-schmooze

    For our blog on other topics at https://www.facebook.com/TwoJewsSchmooze


    Hosts’ Bio:

    Susan Perlman

    Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization.  A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.


    Elliot Klayman

    Elliot Klayman is a past president of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and is the current Executive Director of Messianic Literature Outreach, also editing its publication, The Messianic Outreach. He directs the Messianic Jewish Theological School of Jewish Studies, and teaches in that Institute as well as in a number of other messianic schools and forums. Rabbi Elliot sits on Jewish Voice Ministry International’s Board of Directors and several other messianic Boards. Elliot taught Business Law for over 30 years at The Ohio State University. He and his wife Joyce (also a Jewish believer) live in San Diego.

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    37 min
  • Where the curiosities of Orthodox Judaism lead me
    Jan 18 2022

    In this episode, Susan Perlman interviews Bob Mendelsohn of Australia. Bob tells the story of his coming to faith in Yeshua after being raised an Orthodox Jew in Kansas City. Many questions are raised and many are answered as Bob finds the Bible to be an “Exceptionally Jewish Book” to his astonishment. Bob also speaks anecdotally about how his family carried out the Kosher traditions.


    If you have questions or comments, please email us at schmooze@twojewsschmooze.org


    Listen to more topics about Messianic Judaism and how that works in our world at our podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/two-jews-schmooze


    For our blog on other topics at https://www.facebook.com/TwoJewsSchmooze


    Hosts’ Bio:


    Susan Perlman

    Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization.  A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.


    Bob Mendelsohn

    Bob Mendelsohn is the director of Jews for Jesus in AustralAsia which covers Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. He grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family in Kansas City, but became a college drop-out when he decided to look for the meaning of life in the counterculture of the '60s. He found meaning and relevance in Jesus which caused him much trouble at home. But he says, "it was worth the cost." Bob has worked for Jews for Jesus since 1979, and served as the leader of our work in Washington DC and New York City before moving to Sydney in 1998. Bob and his wife Patty both graduated from the University of Kansas and Fuller Seminary. They have three adult children and four grandsons.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min