In this episode of Brigi and Stuff, we discuss what it was like being a child with ADHD. Of course we weren't full aware of the disorder and all its trimmings, but with age comes perspective, and we are able to see now, what would have greatly benefited us as children had the awarensss been as high as it is now. . We discuss at length what we feel are some great tools and techniques to help foster a healthy relationship with your ADHD children. We are by no means professionals or experts in the field. These are simply are views and opinions. Thank you Hayley Jennings for the questions you posed. We discuss our views in this video. We really appreciate you sharing with us the struggle, and we hope we have helped in some way with our answers. Timeline (00:00) It starts (00:30) WHATS IN THIS EPISODE (01:25) BRIGI TELLS HER MUM SHE HAS ADHD (05:00) ADHD CHILD/PARENT DYNAMIC (06:49) PARENTS AND HOW THEY REACT (09:45) MIND SHIFT WITH YOUR CHILDREN (11:55) WHAT WOULD HAVE HELPED US (15:30) ADHD CHILD IDENTITY CONFUSION (17:06) IMPORTANCE OF UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT (23:28) HAYLEY JENNINGS: WE DISCUSS YOUR QUESTION :) (26:40) BRIGIS NO1 IMPORTANT REMINDER (28:45) HEYWOODS NO1 IMPORTANT REMINDER (34:00) ROLE PLAY - GUILT OF A BAD DAY (39:20) OTHER WAYS TO HELP IMPULSIVE BEHAVIOURS (40:40) ADHD WOMEN AND HOW HORMONES IMPACT. ARTICLE BELOW Article from the incredible website and channel @additudemag Find the article WOMEN, HORMONES, AND ADHD here As always thank you @joehunterstudio for the music.