
  • Elijah's Example of Obedience - 1 Kings 17
    Jun 25 2024

    Hey beautiful!

    Today's we are talking about Elijah's example of obedience to God. We are focused on 1 Kings 17:1-16.

    We see:

    • God spoke to Elijah and told him where to go + promised daily provision
    • God's promise of provision was seen in Elijah's life through a unique way
    • God told Elijah where to go next when provisions in that area had dried up (literally)
    • God's promise of provision seen in Elijah's life once again as he obeyed God
    • God blessing a stranger through Elijah as both of them were obedient

    This story is a wonderful reminder of when we put God first and are obedient to Him we are able to see God's promises fulfilled in our lives no matter the circumstances!

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    Are you a Christian woman in business who is overwhelmed, maxed out, and needing to phone a friend for help? If so, set up a Discovery Call and let's see how we can get you the freedom you need!

    >>>Schedule your Discovery Call here!

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    18 min
  • New Life, New Growth, New Ways of Living!
    Apr 9 2024

    Today we are chatting about how new seasons, new life, and new opportunities also means it is time to evaluate what we have on our plates.

    I give you 3 steps to prayerfully consider what goes into the next season with you and what gets put on pause.

    • Event mentioned:


    • Sign up to receive the Unashamed & Unhindered newsletter and get this encouraging content first!


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    7 min
  • Return to Your First Love - August Focus
    Mar 18 2024
    This month we will be focusing on our hearts towards God. The verses we will be meditating on are Revelation 2:1-5. Here is the link to join the Facebook community. Here is the link to sign up for the Return to Your First Love Virtual Retreat + Revival.
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    25 min
  • Dismantling the Disney Dream of “Happily Ever After”
    May 30 2023
    This has been on my heart to share for a while, and this episode only scratches the surface. But, I want to encourage you if you’re feeling down about circumstances in your life that things can get better if you look to Jesus!
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    8 min
  • A Mother’s Mental Health
    May 26 2023
    This episode is meant to be an encouragement to mothers who are tired or feeling a little burned out. In honor of both Mental Health Awareness Month + Mother’s Day, I want to shine a light on the love of mothers, the hard work it takes to be a mother, and celebrate the mothers who are doing things God’s way even when it’s tough!
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    23 min
  • A Conversation about Mental Health + the Bible
    May 11 2023
    This episode features my husband, Darius Murphy, and we chat about what the Bible has to say about mental health.
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    13 min
  • Redemption in Real Life
    Nov 1 2022

    Hey beautiful,

    This is your reminder that you are redeemed by Jesus and your story can be too!

    Today we are talking about Jonah and God's redemption in his life and story. We are also talking about how Jonah's story relates to you and your life in 2022! 

    Mentions during episode:

    • The Pivot 
    • Redemption in Real Life Worksheet

    Want encouragement like this to go straight to your inbox? 

    Sign up for the Unashamed & Unhindered Newsletter, where I cheer you on as you run the race of faith. You will receive encouragement to keep you going in between the monthly podcasts. We are stronger together, so let's link arms and get closer to Christ each day!

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    11 min
  • Blessed by Rest
    Oct 11 2022

    Today we are talking about rest from a biblical perspective. We are also diving into the topics of mental health, peace, and how rest ties into these two things. 

    CLICK HERE for the Blessed by Rest worksheet!

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    11 min