Learn how to know your unique SEXY SELF Style, then get a guided experience of connecting to your sexy energy.
Sexy Sound Heailng music found in this episode (listed in order of appearance)
Prosper & Chill: Solfeggio frequencies for releasing fear + self expression; angel frequency 888Hz
Loving Acceptance: Solfeggio Frequencies 528Hz, 639Hz (support heart chakra + interpersonal connection), 396Hz (release trauma & fear)
I receive Affirmations: Solfeggio Frequencies: love frequency + shift out of negative energy, 888Hz and alpha waves
Expanding Potential: Solfeggio Frequency 852Hz (3rd eye chakra)
Get Lit Energy UP: Gamma waves (80Hz) + solfeggio frequency for connection to divine
Uncover Your Sexy Self Style: alpha waves (&Hz) + love frequency
Refresh: Gamma frequency, solfeggio frequencies for love + releasing fear, guilt, & trauma
Time Stamps
0:00-1:11 Intro
1:12-5:33 What is the SEXY SELF
5:34- 9:15 What sexy self HEALING is all about
9:16-10:15 Connecting with your unique SEXY SELF Style
10:16-17:44 The 3 keys to identify your SEXY SELF Style, with examples
17:45 - 23:14 Guided Audio experience: Uncover Your SEXY SELF Style + outro
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