In this episode, The Dopest Blogger Alive now known as the Underground Queen has a deep conversation with her cousin Chris whom she calls the Underground Guru. They discuss how to apply the law of detachment productively. They also discuss their favorite spiritual books and many more spiritual concepts. Later in the pod, they are joined by an underground artist KKrazy501 (D’Munti) and they discuss what it means to be an underground artist. Kick back, relax, and join us Live from the Underground.
MESSAGE: WHAT EVER YOU REALLY WANT DETACH FROM IT! It will likely be delayed or won't come if you're clinging to it too tightly. Let it go and it will flow to you!
Let's keep the conversation going! Screenshot this episode and please tag @thejuicyexpressions & @thedopestbloggeralive on Instagram to share your thoughts.
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