Catherine Chao, is a cause-driven communicator and a vice president, Insights & Analytics, at the Ad Council, a nonprofit that uses the power of communications to drive behavior change on social impact issues.
She oversees audience research, strategic development, and evaluation for campaigns dedicated to improving mental health. Her approach to every campaign is ensuring the target audience's voice and mindset is at the forefront so that creative not only raises awareness, but also inspires action. She has a Master of Public Health from UNC-Chapel Hill.
Jason Hunziker, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist and Associate Professor (Clinical Track) at the University of Utah. A graduate of the University of Utah (BS Anthropology, cum laude, 1994; MD, 2002), he was inducted into AOA and served as Chief Resident. He actively teaches and mentors medical students, residents, and physician assistants. As Division Chief of Adult Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Medical Director for University of Utah Health plans, he specializes in complex medical, substance use, and behavioral health issues. He is also the Utah delegate to the American Psychiatric Association.
The Rituals We Share
Sound It Out
Love Your Mind
Learn More About the University of Utah Health & the Huntsman Mental Health Institute
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Theme Music by lesfm from Pixabay.
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